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              ! 首  頁 公司簡(jiǎn)介 翻譯范圍 服務(wù)報(bào)價(jià) 翻譯流程 質(zhì)量控制 語言培訓(xùn) 出國(guó)留學(xué) 付款方式 聯(lián)系我們


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              發(fā)布者:kingworld 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2010-08-09 11:30:01 閱讀:4043

              by bocai

              kimono 和服
              downsizing 減員
              streamline 精簡(jiǎn)
              on the job/in-service 在職
              pegging (the currency to US dollars)
              disposable 一次性
              think tank 智囊團(tuán)
              round the clock service 全天候服務(wù)
              (free) convertibility (自由)兌換
              find a sugar daddy 傍大款
              Nordic 北歐
              non-renewable 不可再生
              out and out 徹頭徹尾
              deadlock 僵局
              top notch
              tertiary industry 第三產(chǎn)業(yè)
              fair (market) value 市值
              refund 退款
              axis-of-evil 邪惡軸心
              (nuclear) nonproliferation 核不擴(kuò)散
              holistic 整體的
              one-off 一次性(解決)的;一攬子的
              turnkey 總承包的;現(xiàn)成可使用的
              in-house 自有的;(in-house finance company)
              round-up 匯總?
              overseas returnee 海歸
              framework accord 框架協(xié)議
              WTO accession 加入WTO
              non-exclusive license 非專用特許
              royalty free 無版權(quán)費(fèi)的
              sublicense 轉(zhuǎn)授權(quán);轉(zhuǎn)發(fā)許可證
              TBD to be decided
              creature comforts 衣食
              recapitalization 資產(chǎn)重組
              RPI(Retail Price Index) 零售物價(jià)指數(shù)
              overriding concern 高于一切的考慮
              Lanyard 系索
              copyright 著作權(quán)
              royalty 版權(quán)
              compliance 合規(guī)性
              extension 展期
              co-lead underwriter 副主承銷商
              Advisory Board 咨詢委員會(huì)
              Board of Councillors 理事會(huì)
              entrepreneur 創(chuàng)業(yè)者
              upmarket 高端的
              attorney general 首席檢察官
              gain/assume an upper hand
              godsend windfall
              Mfg. manufacturing
              well positioned
              upscale 高端的
              clientele 客戶群
              self starter 白手起家人
              mock up
              down round 籌資首輪
              mass market vs. submarket 總的市場(chǎng)/次級(jí)市場(chǎng)(比如根據(jù)某個(gè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)分的客戶群)
              letter/power of attorney 委任書
              Bloomberg competitor of Reuters; provider of realtime financial data
              market clout 市場(chǎng)影響(?)
              consumer shelf space
              Performance driven
              rehaul (a business) 重組;
              sell-back (與buy-out相對(duì))
              monograph 專題(論述)
              take-away message the message that the audience should be receiving if your presentation is to be effective
              verbatim 逐字逐句的說法(比如銷售“定式”用語)
              Liquidity Trap 流動(dòng)性陷阱(寧愿把資金存放于銀行拿取零利息的回報(bào),也不愿再投資賠了)
              many a little makes a mickle 集腋成裘
              reservist 后備兵
              at eleventh hours 關(guān)鍵時(shí)刻
              misnomer 用詞不當(dāng)
              payoff 收益
              outperform 超過
              bailout 解決;救援(for instance, the bailout from IMF for South Korea and other SE Asian countries after financial crisis)
              unlisted managed funds
              honor of N/R (notes receivable)/dishonor 到期兌現(xiàn)
              residual claimant equity holder (who can only claim assets after debts and so on are paid)
              political cronies 政府人員辦的關(guān)聯(lián)企業(yè)
              value-based pricing 價(jià)值導(dǎo)向定價(jià)法(區(qū)別于cost-based pricing,指能為客戶帶來多少價(jià)值來確定價(jià)格,而不是消耗了多少成本,比如飛機(jī)票)
              clearinghouse like exchange(交換場(chǎng)所)
              value of synergy 企業(yè)兼并之后帶來的利益
              post-investment values (注意post的用法)
              techie 做技術(shù)的人(與salesman相對(duì))
              on-target 專注于最終目標(biāo)的
              optimum 最適宜的
              pro professional (n.)
              overhead 還有一個(gè)意思是“投影”,類似powerpoint
              sweat equity Equity acquired by a company's executives on favorable terms, to reflect the value the executives have added and will continue to add to the company.
              in line 與預(yù)期相符的
              YTD (year-to-date) 從Jan 1到目前的時(shí)間
              scorched earth 焦土政策
              economies of scope 范圍經(jīng)濟(jì)(與economies of scale相比)
              toehold 小支點(diǎn),起點(diǎn)
              industry observer 行業(yè)觀察家
              networking 商業(yè)構(gòu)建私人關(guān)系網(wǎng)
              at-door/site registration
              speaker podium
              conference backdrop 會(huì)議背景幕
              trade-up 升級(jí)
              ease of maintenance/repair 維修的容易度
              hammer out (a strategy, for instance) work out
              cap (金額)最高限度;upper limit
              lifetime (債券等的)存期
              secular long-term
              double dip recession 二次蕭條(特指本次美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)泡沫破滅后,還將面臨的進(jìn)一步衰退)
              fringe benefits 附加福利(除國(guó)家規(guī)定外的)
              annual leave 年假
              cant hypocrisy
              disposal of plant & equipment
              call to order 宣布開會(huì);要求遵守秩序
              second the motion 附議
              motion carried 動(dòng)議通過
              window dressing 粉飾
              end-state 最終狀態(tài)
              scrap 廢品(與rework相對(duì))
              disagrregate 分解
              one-of-a-kind unique
              solidity 可*性
              non-core business
              MIS (management information system) 管理信息系統(tǒng)
              in due course 稍后
              numerator/denominator 分子/分母
              winding-up 結(jié)算;停業(yè)
              revolving door conflict of interests
              subsidiary/member companies 下屬公司
              coach 大客車
              OEM/aftermarket parts 汽車業(yè)的前/后配件
              assembly plant 汽車整車廠
              elevated rail 輕軌
              honorary 名譽(yù)
              deputy magistrate 副區(qū)長(zhǎng)(虹口)
              size up 估計(jì)
              offer .. Advancement over 比。。。更高的優(yōu)勢(shì)
              litmus test 試金石
              money order 匯票
              pass/fail rates
              Actuary 精算師
              vignette /vi'njet/ 裝飾圖;花邊文字
              China Resources 香港華潤(rùn)集團(tuán)
              stagflation 通脹
              downplay 不予重視
              AAF (Asset Allocation Fund) this fund divides its investment in equity, bond, assets, etc.
              Fannie Mae Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (a government-sponsored enterprise)
              World Bank i.e., International Bank for Reconstruction and Development
              supranational (institution) 跨國(guó)組織,如World Bank
              private banking 私人銀行(為其理財(cái),通常針對(duì)大額儲(chǔ)戶)
              captive finance company 為大公司自有的金融公司
              Federal Reserve Board
              forward contract 遠(yuǎn)期合約(與期貨的不同在于:1。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化;2.在OTC上交易,而不是交易所;3.保證金;4.期貨需每日結(jié)算,以控制頭寸;
              spot price (期貨中)現(xiàn)價(jià)
              money center bank drawing funds primarily from domestic and international money market instead of deposits
              foreclose prevent
              treasury secretary 財(cái)長(zhǎng)
              rundown 綱要
              passbook 銀行存折
              property & Casualty company 對(duì)應(yīng)于life company(人壽保險(xiǎn)公司而言)
              GIC (Guaranteed investment contract)
              floor 最低值,保底值
              investment grade;noninvestment grade (junk bond) 中等到高等credit rating的stock或bond(BBB以上)
              boutique specialized investment-related company, e.g., research firm, focused on high-tech, etc.
              crowding out effect 指政府增加expenditure之后造成利率上升、private investment反而減少的情況。
              bank run 擠兌
              velocity (of money) 貨幣周轉(zhuǎn)率(=GDP/money supply)
              quantity theory of money 貨幣數(shù)量理論(指Velocity和output保持不變,因此money supply與price成反比)
              escalator clauses 自動(dòng)調(diào)整條款(根據(jù)物價(jià)水平對(duì)wages等進(jìn)行調(diào)整)
              ceilings/floors 上限/下限
              tax incidence 租稅歸宿(指由consumer還是supplier承擔(dān),有actural和statutory之分)
              deadweight loss 無謂損失
              elastic 伸縮度,(指demand和supply對(duì)price的敏感程度,越elastic,說明price的微小變動(dòng)就能引起suppply/demand的巨大變動(dòng) The general formula for elasticity is: E = percent change in x / percent change in y
              marginal utility 邊際效用
              sunk cost / stranded cost = fixed cost
              economic profit 超額利潤(rùn)(accounting profit超出opportunity cost的那部分,在pure competitive market中,長(zhǎng)期超額利潤(rùn)為零,即zero economic profit)
              cold call 陌生電訪(向推銷員,找工作的人的撞大運(yùn)式地亂打電話)
              Asian newly industrializing economies (NIE'S)
              brown field investment 即外資購(gòu)買或租賃現(xiàn)有廠房進(jìn)行生產(chǎn)
              shelf registration 總括申報(bào); 暫擱註冊(cè)制度
              fourth market 指投資者直接交換股票
              third market 在OTC交易交易所上市股票
              basis point (bips) 基本點(diǎn),相對(duì)于0.01%
              style box (基金)中指某類基金,如成長(zhǎng)型大市值基金
              indenture/deed of trust 債券契約
              fast moving consumer goods 快速消費(fèi)品

              Heavy Vehicle Technologies and Systems Group (HVTSG) Dana的一個(gè)新部門
              Roadranger Dana和Eaton的供應(yīng)商(技術(shù)?)
              powertrain 動(dòng)力傳動(dòng)系列(驅(qū)動(dòng)軸、離合器、變速箱、差速器)
              victor reinz division Dana的一個(gè)部門
              actuator 作動(dòng)器
              torque converter 變矩器
              aftermarket (汽車用)零配件零售市場(chǎng);在證券市場(chǎng)中相當(dāng)于secondary market
              named/unnamed sources 有/無來源的消息
              China National Investment & Guaranty Corp. (I&G) 中國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)技術(shù)投資擔(dān)保公司(簡(jiǎn)稱中投保)
              grass bag 草袋
              bag frame
              wiring harness 固化在(汽車)上的電線
              muffler 消音器
              sub assembly 次組合件(注:assembly在配件中的含義為組合件的意思)
              gear case 齒輪箱
              exhaust tube 排氣管
              sprocket 鏈齒輪
              lifter 升降機(jī)
              brake lever 手閘;剎車桿
              250cc cc: cubic centimeter
              ATV (all terrain vehicle) 全地形車
              idler pulley 空轉(zhuǎn)輪;惰輪
              worm gear 渦輪
              rear drive 后輪驅(qū)動(dòng)
              Dinli 杭州鼎力機(jī)械有限公司
              FF式 Front engine front drive(前置引擎,前輪驅(qū)動(dòng))
              FR式 Front engine rear drive (前置引擎,后輪驅(qū)動(dòng))
              mesh 嚙合
              universal joint 萬向接頭
              four-wheel drive 四輪驅(qū)動(dòng)
              radiator 散熱器
              wheel rim 鋼圈
              halogen 鹵素
              wheel base 輪距
              memorandum of association 公司組織大綱
              certificate of good standing 公司狀況良好證明書;資信狀;信任狀
              Deere & Co. John Deere
              rent seeking 尋租
              unencumbered assets 無負(fù)擔(dān)資產(chǎn)
              fixture 固定裝置
              trade name 商號(hào);廠商名稱
              promissory note 本票;期票
              line of credit; credit line; bank line 信用額度
              franchise 特許
              replication 大批量生產(chǎn)
              credit division 信貸部
              OEM financial arm OEM的金融機(jī)構(gòu)
              model 車型(用于汽車業(yè))
              OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer (在商業(yè)中指與分銷機(jī)構(gòu)相對(duì)的廠商;從別處獲得零件進(jìn)行組合生產(chǎn)最終產(chǎn)品的廠商)
              trade up (慫恿)買更貴的東西
              holdback rebate(回扣)
              indemnification 補(bǔ)償
              non-exclusive 非獨(dú)家的;一般的(exclusive為獨(dú)家)
              standing 常務(wù)
              letter of engagement 工作關(guān)系證明
              earn out 收益外購(gòu)法 (一種取決于公司既得收益的資產(chǎn)購(gòu)置法,它允許個(gè)人目前只支付所購(gòu)股票一半的成本,其余部分5年內(nèi)付清。)
              concur with agree with
              Elopak 一家挪威的食品公司,與Wayne Smith有來往
              deal sweetener 改善交易的措施
              downstream product 下游產(chǎn)品
              psi Pounds per square inch(每平方英寸磅)
              delivery firm (courier service) 快遞公司
              print (of a product, e.g., rider) 圖紙
              SKU stock keeping unit (庫(kù)存單位);即指單一貨品,比如超市中擺在貨架上的某個(gè)特定產(chǎn)品
              WIP work in process (
              drivetrain 動(dòng)力傳動(dòng)系列(驅(qū)動(dòng)軸、離合器、變速箱、差速器)
              nomenclature 命名法
              parking brake 停車閘
              downshift; upshift 調(diào)高/低檔
              shift lever 變速桿
              tridem 六輪的(與tandem對(duì)比)
              assembly 總成??
              undisclosed sum 未披露的金額
              Eurobond 歐元債券
              Jt. Joint
              turnaround 回轉(zhuǎn)
              rocker arm 搖臂
              clearance 間距
              cross country vehicle (CCV) 越野車
              fuel efficiency/economy 燃油效率(每加侖汽油英里數(shù))gas mile standard
              hybrid car 汽油、電動(dòng)混合型車
              fuel cell 電池型車
              extraordinary items 非常項(xiàng)目
              unusual expense (income) 非常規(guī)費(fèi)用(收入)
              minority interest 少數(shù)股權(quán)
              equity in affiliates 附屬公司權(quán)益
              discontinued operations 停止經(jīng)營(yíng)部分補(bǔ)償費(fèi)用(與continuing operations比較)
              diluted EPS 調(diào)整后/攤薄每股收益(指凈利潤(rùn)除以年末普通股數(shù),而(加權(quán))每股收益則是指凈利潤(rùn)除以年內(nèi)的加權(quán)股數(shù));攤薄一般比加權(quán)收益低,但在回購(gòu)情況下反而高。
              pro forma statements Financial statements as adjusted to reflect a projected or planned transaction
              amortization 攤銷
              Mkt Cap 總市值
              52-wk range 52周價(jià)格波動(dòng)范圍
              capital lease obligations 資本性租賃下長(zhǎng)期債務(wù)
              debt vs liabilities 債務(wù)/負(fù)債
              paid-in capital
              intermodal 聯(lián)運(yùn)的(各種交通方式混合的)
              Pacific rim 太平洋周邊地區(qū)
              Trac Lease PoolStat chassis management program
              non-core assets 非核心資產(chǎn)
              BOT build-operate-transfer (項(xiàng)目融資;國(guó)內(nèi)成為特許權(quán)融資方式)
              Concession Agreement 特許權(quán)協(xié)議
              freight forwarder 貨運(yùn)公司
              legal proceedings 法律事項(xiàng)
              wire fence 絲網(wǎng)欄桿
              Stern Stewart 思騰思特公司
              MVA 市場(chǎng)增加值(比較EVA)
              TQM 全面質(zhì)量管理total quality management
              contra account 抵消科目
              uncollectible account (bad debt, bad loan) 壞帳
              allowance for doubtful accounts, provision for bad debts 壞帳準(zhǔn)備
              bad debts recovery
              salvage (residual) value 殘值
              accumulated depreciation 累計(jì)折舊
              accrued expenses 應(yīng)付費(fèi)用(注意與accounts payable的不同)
              retained earnings (also called earned surplus or accumulated earnings or unappropriated profit) 保留盈余(又稱未分配盈余、盈余公積、累計(jì)盈余或保留凈利)Earnings not paid out as dividends but instead reinvested in the core business or used to pay off debt.
              deferred tax 遞延稅項(xiàng)(指因?yàn)椴扇〔煌瑫?huì)計(jì)原則而造成實(shí)際應(yīng)稅所得和會(huì)計(jì)利潤(rùn)不等的情況,最常見的情況就是根據(jù)稅法采取加速折舊法,而為了報(bào)表好看又采用直線折舊法,這樣造成的稅差就作為負(fù)債出現(xiàn)。也可以出現(xiàn)在凈利潤(rùn)增加、所有制權(quán)益項(xiàng)目下。
              Accrual Basis 權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生制
              General Ledger 總分類帳
              Subsidiary Ledger 明細(xì)分類帳
              full disclosure 全面披露
              Allowance method 備抵法
              write-off/-up/-down 對(duì)資產(chǎn)的記賬方法,off是指將assets value記為expense,up和down是指增加或減少資產(chǎn)價(jià)值
              Consignment 寄銷
              Inventory overages 存貨盈余(與shortage對(duì)比)
              Premium on bonds 債券溢價(jià)(discount折價(jià))
              Construction-in-process 在建工程
              Units-of-production method (UOP) 工作量法(計(jì)算折舊的一種方法)
              Contingency 或有事項(xiàng)
              loss/profit contingency 或有損失(或有利得)
              additional paid-in capital;Capital surplus;Paid-in Capital in Excess of Par; Premium on Common stock 資本公積(是相對(duì)于capital stock,即按面值計(jì)算的股價(jià)與實(shí)際發(fā)行額之間的差值)
              Unrealized holding gains or losses 未實(shí)現(xiàn)的資產(chǎn)持有損益(即手中的股票的購(gòu)買價(jià)與市價(jià)的差額)
              consolidated financial statements 合并財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表
              deferred income tax liabilities 遞延所得稅負(fù)債(指某些所得稅需要在日后支付)
              contingent liabilities 或有負(fù)債(like potential legal claims, debt guarantees)
              income stmt income statement
              reverse stock split
              refund 退款
              operating income 營(yíng)業(yè)收入(相當(dāng)于EBIT: earnings before interest payments and income tax; also called operating profit)
              sales revenue 主營(yíng)收入
              advance 預(yù)付款
              write down (資產(chǎn)賬面價(jià)值)降低
              net of tax 扣除稅的
              hedging 套期保值
              common size statement 共同比分析(以百分比來顯示報(bào)表)
              treasury share 是涉及到diluted common stock的一種算法
              credit line 信用額度
              working capital 營(yíng)運(yùn)資金(等于現(xiàn)有資產(chǎn)減去現(xiàn)有負(fù)債); working capital cycle管理,等于是對(duì)working capital的各個(gè)方面,即存貨、A/R,A/P等加以管理。Working capital ratio = (Inventory+A/P-A/R)/sales.
              upfront 預(yù)付的,先期的
              tax deductibility 避稅
              factoring 應(yīng)收賬款管理服務(wù)(有點(diǎn)類似L/C,保證銷售方收到貨款)factor即代理人。
              credit insurance 信用保險(xiǎn)(與factoring對(duì)比)
              securitization 證券化(有financing securitization和assets兩種,前者即指直接發(fā)行債券等;后者相當(dāng)于利用資產(chǎn)作抵押,置換成證券)對(duì)于assets securitization來說,If the asset only plays as a pledge and the payment source is still the whole business, then the credit transaction of this kind is only the mortgaged or pledged financing; and If the payment source is the cash-flow from the asset which has been structured to be bankrupt remote, that is asset securitizaiton.
              private label 借助于其他(商鋪)現(xiàn)成的服務(wù)/部件,打出自己的品牌;也可以采用co-branding的形式,即放棄自己的品牌,與合作方共用一個(gè)品牌;比如軟件業(yè)中借助某個(gè)公用的東西,再自己定制一下,貼個(gè)牌就成了自己的產(chǎn)品,類似于OEM
              off-balance sheet 表外處理
              revolver (revolving credit facilities) 滾動(dòng)借貸
              term loan; term credit facility 見上
              floor plan financing 為某種特定產(chǎn)品而融資
              in-house counsel internal counsel,公司自有律師
              reorganization 重組(POR,重組計(jì)劃)
              fluid seal 流體密封
              steering shafts 轉(zhuǎn)向軸
              mixer 混凝土攪拌車(heavy-duty vehicle的一種)
              pinion 小齒輪
              housing 外殼;殼體
              leading time 訂貨到交貨的時(shí)間;加工準(zhǔn)備時(shí)間
              inbound/outbound 向內(nèi)/外出的
              module 比chassis低一級(jí)的總成,比product高一級(jí)
              speed to market 推想市場(chǎng)速度
              suspension 懸架
              LIBOR London InterBank Offered Rate(倫敦同業(yè)拆放利率),作為基本的利率,通常再加上一定百分比
              ESOP (Employee Stock Ownership Plan) 員工持股計(jì)劃(類似于MBO,不同之處在于是員工收購(gòu))
              equity carve-out 切股 Sometimes known as a partial spinoff, a carve out occurs when a parent company sells a minority (usually 20% or less) stake in a subsidiary for an IPO or rights offering.
              asset-backed securities (ABS) 資產(chǎn)抵押證券
              loan originator (sponsor?)
              recourse 追索權(quán)
              floating rate 浮動(dòng)利率
              debenture Unsecured debt obligation, issued against the general credit of a corporation, rather than against a specific asset.
              marketability 流動(dòng)性(變現(xiàn)性?)
              Sinking fund Money set aside by an issuer of bonds on a regular basis, for the specific purpose of redeeming debt.
              zero-coupon bond 零息債券
              Leverage The use of borrowed money to increase investing power.
              junk bond; high-yield bond 夾層債券(在LBO中的含義);高收益/垃圾債券
              reserve ratios (銀行的)準(zhǔn)備金率
              Federal Reserve Bank banker's bank (like People's Bank)
              life company/P&C company the two types of insurance companies, P&C stands for property and casualty
              underwriting income 保險(xiǎn)收入
              bridge financing 短期融資(temporary funds loaned until permanent debt financing is completed
              Money Market 貨幣市場(chǎng)(系指包括金融拆放市場(chǎng)以及一年期以下短期有價(jià)證券進(jìn)行交易的公開市場(chǎng))。
              Commercial Paper 短期及無抵押借據(jù),一般由具信譽(yù)企業(yè)所發(fā)行
              HIS Hang Seng Index
              Red Chip 在香港註冊(cè)和上市,但是控股權(quán)屬中國(guó)的公司。
              Support/resistance Level 支持價(jià)位/阻力價(jià)位。買家的數(shù)目總多於賣家的數(shù)目,使價(jià)格不能繼續(xù)下降時(shí)的價(jià)格。
              SEHK 香港聯(lián)合交易所有限公司
              Trust Deed 信託契約(信託成立的法律文件,清楚訂出信託的條款,信託人及受益人姓名。 )
              bulge bracket 最大的投資銀行集團(tuán)
              red herring preliminary prospectus(非正式招股說明書)
              preemptive rights offering 優(yōu)先配股(股票以比市價(jià)更低的價(jià)格出售給現(xiàn)有持股人)
              Shenzhen Development Bank 深發(fā)展
              carrier 運(yùn)輸商
              forwarder 運(yùn)輸商
              overseas foray 海外拓展
              axle gear 橋齒輪
              vehicular manufacturer 車輛制造商
              Dana Credit Corporation
              ground clearance 最小離地間距
              transfer case 分動(dòng)箱(后備的,用來轉(zhuǎn)移多余的Torque?)
              Differential(Auto) 差速器
              propeller shaft 傳動(dòng)軸
              NVH Noise, vibration, and harshness
              4WD (four wheel drive) 四輪驅(qū)動(dòng)
              Gasket 襯板;襯墊
              ABS (Anti-Lock Brake System) 防 鎖 死 煞 車 系 統(tǒng)
              Mechatronic Systems 機(jī)電系統(tǒng)
              fluid power 流體
              continuous variable transmission 無級(jí)變速器
              planetary gear 行星齒輪
              coil spring 螺旋彈簧
              rear/side tipper 后/側(cè)翻斗車
              tanker 罐式汽車;油罐車
              special purpose vehicle 特種車
              power takeoff (PTO) 取力器
              bevel gear 錐齒輪
              long-haul transport 長(zhǎng)途運(yùn)輸
              Roadranger System a complete line of drivetrain components and truck systems, including manual and automatic transmissions, clutches, driveshafts, steer and drive axles, trailer axles and suspensions, brakes, anti-lock braking systems, tire pressure management systems and collision warning systems
              Cardan Joint 萬向接頭
              steering knuckle 轉(zhuǎn)向節(jié)
              Buyout Fund 收購(gòu)型基金
              MBI 管理層換購(gòu),指由一支新的管理隊(duì)伍替換現(xiàn)任管理層,并由其收購(gòu)、控制公司
              POE (public-owned enterprise)
              niche market 小而專的市場(chǎng);小規(guī)模特定市場(chǎng)
              BCG Boston Consulting Group
              equity kicker An offer of an ownership position (equity) in a deal involving a loan.
              BOC Bank of China
              PIPE Private Investment in Public Equity;已上市公司再向投資者募集資金
              ODM Original Design Manufacturer
              p.a. per annum
              benchmarking 基準(zhǔn)管理;標(biāo)桿管理
              PCB printed circuit board (印刷電路板)
              Buyout 出讓?
              return 資本利得
              SPC (special purpose corporation) 特設(shè)的機(jī)構(gòu), 即金融資產(chǎn)的買方(主要是投資銀行),再出售ABS
              QFII(Qualified Foreign Institutional Investors) 合格的外國(guó)投資者制度。中國(guó)臺(tái)灣、韓國(guó)、印度、巴西等國(guó)家和地區(qū)在20世紀(jì)90年代初就設(shè)立和實(shí)施了這種制度。QFII制度是許多國(guó)家和地區(qū),特別是新興市場(chǎng)經(jīng)濟(jì)體普遍實(shí)施的在貨幣沒有完全可自由兌換、資本項(xiàng)目尚未開放的情況下有限度地引進(jìn)外資,開放資本市場(chǎng)的一項(xiàng)過渡性制度。它允許經(jīng)核準(zhǔn)的合格外國(guó)機(jī)構(gòu)投資者(QFII)在一定的規(guī)定和限制下匯入一定額度的外匯資金,并轉(zhuǎn)換為當(dāng)?shù)刎泿牛ㄟ^嚴(yán)格監(jiān)督管理的專門賬戶投資當(dāng)?shù)刈C券市場(chǎng),其資本利得、股息等經(jīng)審核后可轉(zhuǎn)換為外匯匯出的一種市場(chǎng)開放模式。QFII制度本質(zhì)上就是對(duì)進(jìn)入本國(guó)證券市場(chǎng)的外資進(jìn)行一定的限制。
              water utilities 水務(wù)
              consolidated statement 合并報(bào)表
              displacement (摩托車)排氣量
              Bore Stroke 內(nèi)徑×行程
              Starting mode 啟動(dòng)方式
              sparking mode 點(diǎn)火方式
              compression ratio 壓縮比(指氣缸總?cè)萘颗c壓縮室的容量比。)
              sports utility vehicle SUV (多用途車)
              MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) 商用車(能坐多人,比如別克的GL 7 seater)
              RV (Recreational vehicle) 休閑車(SUV是RV的一個(gè)分支)
              paint 噴漆
              press workshop 沖壓車間
              body workshop 車身車間
              Daimler Chrysler (DCX) 戴克
              Aeolus Automobile 風(fēng)神汽車
              centralized competitive pricing (auction bidding) (開盤)集合競(jìng)價(jià)
              ADR (American Depository Receipt) 美國(guó)存托憑證(外國(guó)投資者委托美國(guó)機(jī)構(gòu)設(shè)立存托憑證,從而在美國(guó)的市場(chǎng)上進(jìn)行交易,分為三級(jí),級(jí)別越高,SEC的登記要求就越高)
              tombstone 墓碑廣告(承銷結(jié)束后在報(bào)紙上刊登的反映承銷商地位的廣告)
              broker/dealer/market maker (function is to maintain liquidity) 經(jīng)紀(jì)商/自營(yíng)商/作市商
              specialist 特許作市商(在一個(gè)市場(chǎng)上專門負(fù)責(zé)某個(gè)股票交易的作市商,比較多元作市商(一個(gè)股票有若干個(gè)作市商))
              asset-light strategy 輕資產(chǎn)戰(zhàn)略
              sub-compact 微型車
              stamping 沖壓(件)
              Newbridge Capital 新橋投資(新近接手了深發(fā)展)
              Bain Capital 貝恩投資
              Jia-Lu Yin Mckinsey
              COGS (cost of goods sold) 商品銷售成本
              distributor 分銷商(bigger than dealer)
              in house 指將諸如分銷商、供應(yīng)商等并入自己的公司
              hurdle rate 預(yù)設(shè)回報(bào)率;分割收益率
              carried interest 附帶收益(按照獲利的一定百分比撥給經(jīng)理人(普通合伙人),從10%到30%不等,一般是年度獲利的20%;而在20%扣除后,剩下的則按照出資在有限合伙人之間分配)
              performance fee (基金中)的績(jī)效費(fèi)(在扣除了preferred return之后,與management fee相對(duì))
              preferred return 優(yōu)先收益(基金中投資人應(yīng)得的部分,6%)
              nil entry fee
              superannuation 超年金(政府年金之外建立的養(yǎng)老保險(xiǎn))
              soft landing 軟著陸
              Bloomberg 彭博資訊
              premises 辦公場(chǎng)所
              net profit margin 凈邊際利潤(rùn)率
              ROA/ROE/ROI 資產(chǎn)回報(bào)率/凈資產(chǎn)回報(bào)率(股本回報(bào)率)/投資收益
              Valuation Modelling 估值模型
              private equity investment 私募股權(quán)投資
              withholding tax 預(yù)扣稅;預(yù)提稅(一個(gè)主權(quán)國(guó)家對(duì)外國(guó)資金的一種管理方式,可分為紅利預(yù)提稅(Dividend Withholding)和利息預(yù)提稅(Interest Withholding Tax)
              money-laundering 洗錢
              custodian;custodian fee (基金)托管人;托管費(fèi)
              stamp duties 印花稅
              capital gains tax 資本收益稅 (unrealized capital gains,為了逃避capital gains tax,很多assets沒有變賣,所以也就成了未實(shí)現(xiàn)資本收益,同時(shí)也造成了locked-up capital );比如買股票之后賣掉就相對(duì)于實(shí)現(xiàn)了資本收益。比較:capital loss
              Federal Reserve Bank 聯(lián)邦儲(chǔ)備銀行
              tax-exempt 免稅的
              capital formation 資本結(jié)構(gòu);集資
              (investment) vehicle (在融資中)指用于融資的載體或工具
              debt financing vs. equity financing
              IRR 內(nèi)部收益率(internal rate of return)=使投資的凈現(xiàn)值等于零的貼現(xiàn)率
              business line 主營(yíng)業(yè)務(wù)
              investment pipeline
              pro rata 按比例的,a "pro rata" share
              trust indenture (基金)的信托契約(規(guī)定基金的條款)
              financial holding company 金融控股公司(類似于混業(yè)經(jīng)營(yíng)的金融公司)
              promissary note;P/N (是notes receivable的一種) 本票,期票
              maturity date 到期日
              letter of Guarantee (L/G) (銀行)保證書(函)
              NPV (net present value) 現(xiàn)凈值(PV為現(xiàn)值)
              prospectus (在fund中相當(dāng)于基金條款說明);公開說明書
              redemption (基金單位unit)的贖回
              price/book value 市凈率(市值/實(shí)際值),(上市公司指數(shù):越高表示公司成長(zhǎng)性越好)
              best practice 最佳的(比如best practive evaluation)
              limited/general partner (in funds) 有限/普通合伙人(基金)(有限合伙人即出資人,按所出的金額程度責(zé)任;普通合伙人為基金管理人,出資一般為1%,需要為資金負(fù)全部責(zé)任)
              screening 篩選
              deal structuring 交易構(gòu)造(創(chuàng)業(yè)企業(yè)(即被投資企業(yè))與投資基金之間的一系列協(xié)議,規(guī)定金融工具選擇、交易價(jià)格、協(xié)議條款)
              Executive Summary 要點(diǎn)概述
              marketability 可操作性
              break-even 盈虧平衡點(diǎn)
              business valuation studies 公司評(píng)估
              mezzanine financing 夾層融資(Venture capital term used to describe a company which is somewhere between startup and IPO. )
              owner-employee A sole proprietor or any individual who has ownership of at least one-fifth of the capital and/or profits associated with a given venture.
              EDGAR (Electronic Data Gathering, Analysis, and Retrieval) The SEC's system used by all public companies to transmit required filings, such as quarterly reports and annual reports and ongoing disclosure obligations.
              ROIC (return on invested capital) A measure of how effectively a company uses the money (borrowed or owned) invested in its operations. Calculated by: net income after taxes / (total assets less excess cash minus non-interest-bearing liabilities). Invested capital=noncurrent liabilities+shareholders' equity
              ETF (Exchange Traded Funds) 交易所交易基金,是一種在交易所買賣的有價(jià)證券,代表一攬子股票的所有權(quán),通;谀骋恢笖(shù)進(jìn)行完全被動(dòng)式管理,兼具股票和指數(shù)基金的特色,所以也被稱為指數(shù)股票或指數(shù)參與單位。它被分割為一定規(guī)模的投資單位,可以連續(xù)發(fā)售和用一攬子股票贖回,提高了市場(chǎng)的定價(jià)效率,節(jié)省了基金的運(yùn)作費(fèi)用。另外,交易所交易基金和封閉式基金和開放式基金均不同,它是在所包含的股票的凈值附近運(yùn)作。(注:比如開放式基金不能實(shí)時(shí)交易;而封閉式基金又經(jīng)常偏離其價(jià)值(溢價(jià)或折價(jià));指數(shù)基金大概也不能實(shí)時(shí)買賣,另外管理費(fèi)也比ETF高)
              merger/acquisition/consolidation 兼并/收購(gòu)/合并(兼并涉及企業(yè)重組,而收購(gòu)一般只是業(yè)務(wù)重組;兼并善意,收購(gòu)惡意;合并則是A+B=C)
              spin-off/divestiture 分拆/剝離(分立為按照比例將資產(chǎn)和負(fù)債獨(dú)立出去形成一個(gè)新公司;剝離則是出賣部分資產(chǎn))spin-off: split-off(子股換母股;母公司仍然存在);split-up(完全拆分;母公司不復(fù)存在,分為幾個(gè)子公司)
              poison pill 毒藥防御(收購(gòu))計(jì)劃
              DCF (discounted cash-flow) 折現(xiàn)現(xiàn)金流量法(計(jì)算某一種投資標(biāo)的,在未來一段時(shí)間內(nèi)(通常10年),預(yù)期可以得到的現(xiàn)金流量及殘余價(jià)值,利用折現(xiàn)法折現(xiàn)成目前的價(jià)值。)
              tender offer (takeover bid) 公開股權(quán)收購(gòu)(收購(gòu)某公司的一種做法,也稱hostile takeover)
              Bank of China International 中銀國(guó)際控股有限公司
              fairness opinion 公正意見書
              job rotation 輪崗
              mandate 委任書(相當(dāng)于將融資的選擇權(quán)完全交給投行;mandated transaction, mandated bank)
              State Asset Regulatory Commission 國(guó)資委
              bookrunner 簿記管理人(指銀團(tuán)中的leading bank,負(fù)責(zé)單據(jù)的收發(fā)存放)
              (in) good faith 本著誠(chéng)信的原則
              Steve Wang 即王瑋
              letter of understanding/intent, MOU (memorandum of understanding) 意向書
              liquid food 飲料
              finance house 金融公司
              license agreement 許可協(xié)議
              financial advisor 財(cái)務(wù)顧問(注意:可以指某個(gè)機(jī)構(gòu),也可以指人)
              engagement letter (審計(jì))委托/說明書
              earn-out 獲利能力付款方案(指根據(jù)所收購(gòu)公司的未來盈利能力來支付后期分期付款的支付方式。可以有首付款,也可以是零付款。不過這種方式對(duì)于賣方是比較吃虧的,因?yàn)榈扔谑悄米约罕緛響?yīng)該賺的錢來pay自己)(A clause in a contract between a large company that is buying the entire business of a small company. The clause may specify the small entrepreneur will realize additional money from the sale if the small company earnings exceed a specified amount after the buyout has occurred. )
              installment sales 分期付款(出售一家公司)
              trailing twelve month (TTM) 過去所采用的財(cái)務(wù)12個(gè)月框架(The timeframe of the past twelve months (the past year) used for reporting financial figures.)
              Delaware 特拉華州(D'Long Capital的注冊(cè)地)
              non-binding 不具約束力的
              Eco-power 經(jīng)濟(jì)型的
              short list (人數(shù)已經(jīng)縮減的)候選人名單
              surety 擔(dān)保
              demand deposit 活期存款(區(qū)別于term deposit)
              unit trust 單位信托基金 A unit trust is a collective investment scheme under which the investible securities of the fund are held on trust for the investors (similar to Mutual Fund).
              front-end load (購(gòu)買基金時(shí))先付手續(xù)費(fèi);銷售費(fèi)
              gear 相當(dāng)于leverage,Measure of the degree to which a business is funded by debt rather than shareholders' equity. The US expression for the same thing is leverage. A highly geared, or highly leveraged, company carries a lot of debt.
              (mandatory) provident fund 準(zhǔn)備基金(比如pension?)
              toll road 收費(fèi)公路(算作基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施)
              covenant-not-to-compete 競(jìng)業(yè)禁止協(xié)議 (an an agreement that restrains or prevents a person or business from performing a lawful profession, trade or business is generally considered to restrain free trade and is not favored by the courts. )
              Samurai bond 武士債券(即外國(guó)針對(duì)日本投資者在日本發(fā)行的以日元計(jì)價(jià)的債券,類似的還有Yankee bond)
              Merchant bank 在歐洲指investment bank
              ABN 荷蘭銀行
              CICC (China International Capital Corporation Limited) 中國(guó)國(guó)際金融有限公司(中金公司);中銀則指BOCI, Bank of China International, 是中國(guó)本土的投行。
              sponsor 保薦人(類似于上市推薦人,香港通稱保薦人,在聯(lián)交所的主板上市規(guī)則中關(guān)于保薦人的規(guī)定也類似于上交所對(duì)于上市推薦人的規(guī)定,主要職責(zé)就是將符合條件的企業(yè)推薦上市)
              Tobin's Q 托賓Q值(=公司市場(chǎng)價(jià)值/資產(chǎn)重置成本),如果Q值小于1,說明價(jià)值被低估;如果>1,則說明無形資產(chǎn)所占的比重。實(shí)踐上廣泛采用的是Q值的近似值, 即股票市值對(duì)公司凈資產(chǎn)值的比率,凈資產(chǎn)是公司資產(chǎn)中可歸屬于股東的部份。該比率即眾所周知的“市值與面值”的比率,或簡(jiǎn)稱估價(jià)比率。
              golden parachute 鍍金降落傘(為了防止惡意收購(gòu)而采取的增加管理層解職代價(jià)的措施)
              severance package 遣散費(fèi)
              treasury stock 庫(kù)藏股(指發(fā)行之后又被公司回購(gòu)的股票,不計(jì)入資產(chǎn),只算是股東權(quán)益的減少部分)
              convertible/redeemable preferred 可轉(zhuǎn)/可贖回優(yōu)先股
              senior/junior security; subordinated debt 優(yōu)先/次級(jí)證券
              taxable income/pretax accounting income 應(yīng)稅收入/稅前收入(一個(gè)是呈交稅務(wù)機(jī)構(gòu),一個(gè)是出現(xiàn)在利潤(rùn)表上的)
              unabsorbed overhead 指沒有直接對(duì)利潤(rùn)做出貢獻(xiàn),但繼續(xù)發(fā)生的管理費(fèi)用。比如合同中途中止,但費(fèi)用還在繼續(xù)發(fā)生。
              CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate), e.g., 10-year CAGR 年綜合增長(zhǎng)率
              OEE Overall Equipment Effectiveness
              KAM Key Account Management (關(guān)鍵客戶管理)
              debtor-in-possession (DIP) 債務(wù)人持有資產(chǎn) A company that continues to operate while under the Chapter 11 bankruptcy process.
              chapter 11/chapter 7 chapter 11/7破產(chǎn)(美國(guó)),chapter 11規(guī)定由一個(gè)Creditor組成的委員會(huì)進(jìn)行監(jiān)管,但公司繼續(xù)運(yùn)營(yíng);而Chapter 7則規(guī)定公司進(jìn)入清算(參考DIP)
              defensible niche 擁有鞏固地位的市場(chǎng);獨(dú)霸的市場(chǎng)
              discharge/dischargeable (liabilities/debts) 可以豁免的(債務(wù))
              2002A, 2003E, 2004P, 2002B 分別是Actual, Estimated, Projected, Budget
              capital expenditure (Cap. Ex.) 資本支出(指用于購(gòu)買廠房、設(shè)備等的支出)
              EVP Executive VP
              headcount 員工人數(shù)
              tranche 分期付款的份額??
              escrow 公正第三人(相當(dāng)于保證人??)
              one-off 一次性付清
              cellular manufacturing 單元式制造;(kan ban(日語的signal的意思),利用它來降低廢品率)
              Del Monte 菲律賓地捫公司(一家生產(chǎn)液體食品的公司)
              equity EBITDA 指去除少數(shù)股東權(quán)益之后的EBITDA部分,乘以一個(gè)百分比
              LTM last twelve months (LTM ended Feb 28, 2003)
              run rate 一個(gè)以當(dāng)前業(yè)績(jī)衡量未來盈利情況的估計(jì)值。How the financial performance of a company would look if you were to extrapolate current results out over a certain period of time.
              Covisint 福特公司的一個(gè)電子采購(gòu)平臺(tái),向這個(gè)平臺(tái)的Tier 1供貨商發(fā)出訂單之后,Tier 2/3的供貨商就能相應(yīng)調(diào)整生產(chǎn)
              deconsolidation 分撥(物流術(shù)語)
              PPM, parts per million 百萬分之一
              YTD year to date
              CKD/SKD CKD指全散件組裝,SKD指半散件組裝(semi/completely knocked down)
              EV/FV; enterprise value/firm value 計(jì)算方式為:market capitalization + debt + preferred shares - cash
              log splitter 鋸木機(jī)?
              FASB (Financial Accounting Standards Board) 美國(guó)財(cái)務(wù)會(huì)計(jì)準(zhǔn)則委員會(huì)
              Merger Premium 兼并時(shí)所支付的超過market value的部分
              payback period 項(xiàng)目投資回收時(shí)間
              FCFF (free cash flow to the firm) 閑余現(xiàn)金流量 FCFF = NOP – Taxes – Net Investment – Net Change in Working Capital
              PP&E Plant, property & equipment
              WACC weighted average cost of capital 公司的debt, preferred stock, common stock的
              Beta coefficient Beta系數(shù),用來衡量公司volatility的指標(biāo),<1表示比平均指數(shù)穩(wěn)定,>1表示股價(jià)更容易波動(dòng) (zero-beta portfolio)
              CAPM, capital asset pricing model 衡量風(fēng)險(xiǎn)與收益之間關(guān)系的一個(gè)值,如果收益比風(fēng)險(xiǎn)低,說明某個(gè)security不值得投資
              risk-free return 無風(fēng)險(xiǎn)回報(bào),相當(dāng)于90天期國(guó)債回報(bào)
              amenities 公共福利設(shè)施
              vertical/horizontal integration vertical integration即將生產(chǎn)過程的上下游全部統(tǒng)一,而horizontal integration類似supply chain management,橫向地選擇最好的廠商加以合作
              Jenn Feng 正峰工業(yè)股份有限公司(臺(tái)灣)
              Techtronics Industries 創(chuàng)科實(shí)業(yè)有限公司(收購(gòu)了John Deere的Homelite)
              Simplicity 收購(gòu)了Snapper
              add-on 類似于收購(gòu),作為主業(yè)的補(bǔ)充?
              information memorandum 投資資訊備忘錄(相當(dāng)于指南性的投資資料)
              topline 指sales或revenue,相對(duì)于bottom line
              load/no-load fund 指買入fund時(shí)是否需要支付fee
              GST; goods and service tax 貨勞稅
              PST; provincial sales tax 地方營(yíng)業(yè)稅
              corporate/market cannibalization 自相蠶食(指公司自己推出另外一個(gè)與本公司已有產(chǎn)品競(jìng)爭(zhēng)的產(chǎn)品,從而導(dǎo)致自相競(jìng)爭(zhēng))
              Hummer 東風(fēng)漢馬(軍用越野車)
              vanilla transaction “一般”交易,沒有特殊條款的 to keep costs down
              limited recourse financing 有限追索權(quán)融資
              quorum 法定人數(shù)
              apprise notify

              tender offer 標(biāo)購(gòu);股權(quán)收購(gòu);(Tender Offer主要是指收購(gòu)者面向股東,繞過管理層提出收購(gòu)公司的價(jià)格建議。多個(gè)標(biāo)購(gòu)者會(huì)在價(jià)格競(jìng)爭(zhēng)中表達(dá)自己的戰(zhàn)略意圖和管理能力,在股東和董事會(huì)的公開選擇下勝出。所以許多經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家把Tender Offer,稱為對(duì)資本主義的修正,是資本主義的"修理廠",可以提高資本主義的效率。很多企業(yè)特別是在繁榮的時(shí)候,更多想到成就感,買飛機(jī)、買游輪,高額消費(fèi),實(shí)際是損害股東利益,而股東又無法制約。因?yàn)樵诿绹?guó),股權(quán)是分散在千百萬股民手里,不是公司的直接所有者,所以他只能"用腳投票"的方式選擇公司而不是管理者,這樣助長(zhǎng)了管理層浪費(fèi)公司資本的情況。
              (tax) incidence 歸宿;承擔(dān)者
              a priori probability 演繹/推理概率
              accounting profit 與implicit costs的對(duì)比;與economic profit相對(duì);in the long run, the economic profit will equal zero
              adaptive/rational expectations the former is based on recent years' results, thus easier to make systematic errors,
              addition rule P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B)-P(AB)
              allocative inefficiency
              alternative cost 即opportunity cost
              alternative hypothesis 對(duì)立假設(shè)(即推翻null hypothesis之后即行成立的假設(shè))
              American terms USD/FC, used only for GBP (Note: this European/American terms only refer to interbank market)
              bank run 擠兌
              Bayes' formula (theorum) 貝葉斯 P(I!O)*P(O) = P(O!I)*P(I)
              bells and whistles 修飾得更好的東西
              Beta 這是單個(gè)stock的系統(tǒng)風(fēng)險(xiǎn),考慮了business, financial, liquidity, exchange rate, country/political risk, 再乘以上述基準(zhǔn)即得到該股票的expected return
              bid-ask spread (ask - bid)/ask %
              binomial distribution 二項(xiàng)分布
              block (minimum size)成批
              Board of Governors 美聯(lián)儲(chǔ)理事會(huì)
              BOP (balance of payments) 國(guó)際收支 國(guó)際收支平衡表(Balance of Payments Statement)是一個(gè)國(guó)家在一定時(shí)期內(nèi)(一年、半年、一季或一個(gè)月)所有對(duì)外外匯收支的系統(tǒng)記錄,并應(yīng)用會(huì)計(jì)原則,是按照會(huì)計(jì)核算的借貸平衡方式編制,經(jīng)過調(diào)整最終達(dá)到帳面上收付平衡的統(tǒng)計(jì)報(bào)表。它包括經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目(Current Acount)、資本項(xiàng)目(Capital Account)、平衡項(xiàng)目三大類。經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目是其中最重要、最基本的項(xiàng)目,是一個(gè)實(shí)項(xiàng)目,其所記錄的各項(xiàng)交易都是以所有權(quán)的轉(zhuǎn)移為特征的。資本項(xiàng)目反映的是以貨幣表示的債權(quán)、債務(wù)在國(guó)際問的變動(dòng),所記錄的交易是以轉(zhuǎn)換使用權(quán)而所有權(quán)不變?yōu)樘卣鞯。因此因借貸資本而衍生之利息、股利、利潤(rùn)等則屬于經(jīng)常項(xiàng)目項(xiàng)下的勞務(wù)收支。平衡項(xiàng)目則是對(duì)自主性交易出現(xiàn)缺口或差額時(shí)進(jìn)行的彌補(bǔ)性交易的記錄,以及為最終正式帳面平衡所進(jìn)行會(huì)計(jì)調(diào)整的記錄,其作用在于最終實(shí)現(xiàn)國(guó)際收支平衡表中外匯收入與外匯支出相等,達(dá)成帳面上的平衡。
              budget constraint line 預(yù)算約束線(與indifference curve的切點(diǎn)為最佳點(diǎn)(投入最少))
              caveat 警示語
              central limit theorem 聲稱sample mean接近population mean,而s等于s/n1/2
              chebyshev's inequality 切比雪夫不等式(在k>1時(shí),分布在k個(gè)standard deviation內(nèi)的事件幾率不小于1-1/k2(百分比表示)
              clearing house 清算中心;清算所
              closed-circuit TV 閉路電視
              coefficient of variation = s/X 變異系數(shù)(等于standard deviation除以mean),描述的是偏移量與均值之間的相對(duì)關(guān)系;越大說明偏移得越厲害
              collection 托收
              collusion the opposite of competition; happened among oligoplistic companies
              confidence interval e.g., the 95% confidence interval is mean - 1.96s - mean +1.96s
              consumer surplus 消費(fèi)者愿意付出比market price多的部分
              contestable market market with low entry cost or barrier
              continuously compounded rate of return 等于In(s1/s0),注意,永遠(yuǎn)小于等于HPR
              correlation coefficient 關(guān)聯(lián)系數(shù)=Cov/S1*S2
              critical value 臨界值;實(shí)際上就是對(duì)應(yīng)confidence interval的z值,也相當(dāng)于standard deviation/error的倍數(shù)
              cross rate 因?yàn)閕nterbank與local的quote方式不同而成為必要
              crowding-out effect 排擠效果。. 在經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)原理上,當(dāng)政府施實(shí)擴(kuò)張性財(cái)政政策(IS曲線右移)時(shí),造成市場(chǎng)利率上升,反而使民間投資減少的的情況。
              cumulative density function (cdf) F(x)=(x-a)/(b-a) 累積分布函數(shù)
              currency board "貨幣發(fā)行局(機(jī)制) 在貨幣自由浮動(dòng)的國(guó)家,一般都能享有貨幣政策的自主權(quán),而貨幣政策(monetary policy)往往是影響經(jīng)濟(jì)的一種手段。例如經(jīng)濟(jì)疲弱,銀行沒有足夠銀根借予企業(yè),便會(huì)將利率推高,于是企業(yè)可能會(huì)因?yàn)槔矢咂,而被迫裁員,甚至結(jié)業(yè)。對(duì)此情況,政府可透過貨幣政策去放寬銀根,令銀行有充足金錢去借給企業(yè),達(dá)到刺激經(jīng)濟(jì)的目的。不過,在放寬銀根的同時(shí),亦會(huì)導(dǎo)致通脹上升,不利該國(guó)的貨幣,匯兌會(huì)有貶值的壓力。
              一個(gè)國(guó)家貨幣匯率的穩(wěn)定性是十分重要,特別是一個(gè)國(guó)家的國(guó)民生產(chǎn)總值若大部分與國(guó)際貿(mào)易有關(guān),穩(wěn)定的匯價(jià)對(duì)于出入口商進(jìn)行國(guó)際貿(mào)易將更為方便。以港元為例,以1美元兌7.8港元的匯率進(jìn)行兌換,出入口商便不用考慮美元兌港元的匯率風(fēng)險(xiǎn)。而貨幣發(fā)行局機(jī)制,基本是穩(wěn)定匯率的一種辦法。以港元為例,每發(fā)行一元港幣便需有等值美元(根據(jù)7.8換算)支持。理論上,由于發(fā)行港幣時(shí)要有美元支持,就算把港元全面收回,政府亦有足夠的美元儲(chǔ)備去應(yīng)付,所以港元兌美元匯率可以固定在7.8的水平。不過,貨幣發(fā)行局機(jī)制的一個(gè)缺點(diǎn),是政府會(huì)損失貨幣政策的自主性,因?yàn)閰R價(jià)穩(wěn)定,政府就不能用貨幣政策去干預(yù)市場(chǎng)。 "
              data set 數(shù)據(jù)集;subset
              deadweight loss 無謂損失;某個(gè)產(chǎn)品越elastic,則遭致的DWL就越大,因?yàn)閏onsumer會(huì)去找替代品,而對(duì)于inelastic的產(chǎn)品,DWL小
              degree of freedom 等于sample size減去1,n-1
              dependent variable 因變量,也稱explained/endogenous/predicted variable
              deposit expansion multiplier 存款放大系數(shù)(等于reserve ratio的倒數(shù))
              direct quote DC/FC, (standard)
              directive 指示
              discount rate the interest rate the central bank charges banks for short-term loans
              discrete uniform distribution 概率相等的離散分布
              discretely compounded rate of return 即HPR (holding period return) =(S1-S0)/S0
              discretionary account 自有支配的賬戶/客戶?? 指基金經(jīng)理可以自行決定買賣,而無需根據(jù)某個(gè)principle,對(duì)比undiscretionary
              diseconomies of scale 規(guī)模不經(jīng)濟(jì)(當(dāng)marginal cost超過variable cost時(shí)造成成本上升)
              economic decision vs. statistical decision 前者要考慮transaction costs
              efficient frontier 效率前沿(投資上一定會(huì)考慮到風(fēng)險(xiǎn)及報(bào)酬,當(dāng)我們?cè)诔袚?dān)不同的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)點(diǎn)時(shí),在每一個(gè)風(fēng)險(xiǎn)點(diǎn)一定有一個(gè)投資組合可以達(dá)到最大投資報(bào)酬率)
              elasticity (價(jià)格)彈性;是否有substitute
              European Terms 指FC/USD (domestic currency/foreign currency), this is the standard
              expectational vs. historical 這也就是為什么有兩種計(jì)算variance的公式的原因:一種是估計(jì)值,所以的E(x),用P(i)*R(iI)來計(jì)算;另外一種則是歷史數(shù)據(jù),所以要除以n(如是sample,則除以n-1);另外Cov的計(jì)算方法也不一樣,一種是Pi*(R(i)-E(i)),一種是除以N,總之區(qū)別就是一種用概率p,一種則是除以n。另外記住,Corr的公式是Cov/S1*S2。
              explicit/implicit costs
              fiscal policy 財(cái)政政策(試與monetary policy對(duì)比),其表現(xiàn)為tax,budget deficit/surplus
              front running 先跑 利用掌握若干信息的優(yōu)勢(shì)而優(yōu)先處理若干買賣盤的這種違規(guī)行為
              game theory; prisoner's dilemma 博奕理論; or "interactive decision"
              GATT General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
              gross of (or) net of 包含,或,不包含
              guesstimate 瞎猜
              high-net-worth individual rich man
              histogram 柱狀圖
              historical simulation 利用歷史數(shù)據(jù),隨機(jī)抽取,預(yù)測(cè)未來;缺點(diǎn):1. 不能考慮某些特定情況; 2. 不能進(jìn)行”what if"分析。
              impinge on 侵犯(independence)
              inaction 無作為
              income elasticity equals Qty change/income change, if >1, then necessity, if <1, then luxury
              inconsistent probabilities 指兩項(xiàng)資產(chǎn)的定價(jià)是根據(jù)同一事件的不同概率做出的,從而有套利的可能性
              independent events by definition: P(A!B)=P(A)
              independent variable 自變量,也稱explanatory/exogenous/predicting variable
              indifference curve 無差異曲線(可以是蘋果、梨子的組合,也可以是風(fēng)險(xiǎn)和回報(bào)的組合);記住圖形形狀
              indirect quote FC/DC, used in UK and US
              inferior good 劣質(zhì)產(chǎn)品
              intercept 截距
              interest rate parity theorem "利息平價(jià)理論 利率平價(jià)理論 (Interest Rate Parity) 指出,在匯率和利率之間應(yīng)該有套戥的機(jī)會(huì)。它的意思是,一個(gè)貨幣的升值或貶值,都應(yīng)該會(huì)隨著利率的改變而被抵消。比方說,如果美元利率比日?qǐng)A利率高的話,那么根據(jù)利率平價(jià)理論,美元兌日?qǐng)A應(yīng)該會(huì)下跌。它的理據(jù)是,由于持有日?qǐng)A要付出利息,所以投資者便需要通過匯率下跌來得到相應(yīng)的補(bǔ)償。

              但是,自1990年以來,盡管美元利率比日?qǐng)A利率高,可是美元兌日?qǐng)A卻升值了,所以利率平價(jià)理論被否定。其中一個(gè)理由是,投資者為了賺取更高的利息收入,而把資金轉(zhuǎn)移到高息的貨幣,因此令該高息貨幣升值。這種買賣策略被稱為 “carry trades”。"
              interval scale 等距尺度(按相等間距,例如溫度,但零不表示任何意義)
              J-Curve effect 指本國(guó)貨幣貶值后,貿(mào)易差額暫時(shí)惡化(即更為逆差)的情況(因?yàn)楹贤情L(zhǎng)期的,以貶值的貨幣去購(gòu)買國(guó)外產(chǎn)品會(huì)更糟)
              kurtosis 峰度
              least square regression line 最小平方回歸直線
              leptokurtic 尖峰狀
              loanable funds
              lognormal distribution 對(duì)數(shù)常態(tài)分布 Y=ex 其中x是常態(tài)分布,但顯然Y不是,特點(diǎn):1. Skewed right; 2. Always>0
              lowball 虛低價(jià)
              M0, M1, M2 M0為流通現(xiàn)金,M1為M0加上活期存款,M2為M1加上定期存款
              MAD(mean absolute deviation) 平均絕對(duì)離差
              marginal probability a.k.a., unconditional probability
              marginal revenue product 邊際收益產(chǎn)品(note:this is from the viewpoint of input) 等于邊際收益乘以邊際產(chǎn)品。如果廠商追加一單位投人進(jìn)行生產(chǎn)并出售產(chǎn)品而得到一個(gè)額外收人,那么這個(gè)額外收人就是邊際收益產(chǎn)品。(等于marginal product * final good price (in case of price taker)) ,實(shí)際上就是marginal revenue,只不過是從resource/input的角度來看
              marginal utility 邊際效用
              market risk premium 這是將整個(gè)market視為一個(gè)portfolio,將其回報(bào)率(已經(jīng)考慮了systematic risk)與nomial RF rate的差值作為基準(zhǔn),
              markup 漲價(jià)
              mode 眾數(shù)
              monopolistic competition 介于monopoly/oligopoly和pure/perfect competition之間的一種市場(chǎng)形態(tài),特點(diǎn)是多個(gè)獨(dú)立廠商,生產(chǎn)不同質(zhì)的產(chǎn)品
              Monte Carlo simulation 利用隨機(jī)數(shù),產(chǎn)生隨機(jī)樣本,以預(yù)測(cè)投資策略等; 之所以用simulation是因?yàn)閙athematical計(jì)算可能過于復(fù)雜
              mosaic theory 通過各個(gè)公開渠道的信息得出某個(gè)結(jié)論
              MPC Marginal propensity to consume; expenditure multiplier = 1/(1-MPC)
              multiplication rule P(AB)=P(A!B)*P(B)
              mutually exclusive vs. independent mutually exclusive意指一次只能發(fā)生一個(gè)event,而independent指兩個(gè)event互相不為條件,對(duì)于前者P(A or B)=P(A)+P(B); 對(duì)于后者P(A!B)=P(A), P(AB)=P(A)*P(B)
              natural monopoly 自然壟斷;傳統(tǒng)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)理論定義的自然壟斷是指如下情況:由于生產(chǎn)技術(shù)具有規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)的特征,平均成本隨產(chǎn)量的增加而遞減,從而,最小有效規(guī)模要求只有一個(gè)企業(yè)生產(chǎn)。 一個(gè)廠商或一個(gè)行業(yè)的產(chǎn)品的平均成本,在其規(guī)模擴(kuò)大的整個(gè)過程中都明顯下降,例如地方電力傳輸。在這種場(chǎng)合,該行業(yè)若由一個(gè)廠商、或由一個(gè)壟斷廠商來經(jīng)營(yíng),就會(huì)比多個(gè)企業(yè)能更有效率地提供全部產(chǎn)出。 最重要的特點(diǎn)就是economies of scale
              nominal risk-free rate 即real RF rate再考慮inflation premium的因素 注意:是(1+a)(1+b)=1+c,近似為c=a+b
              nominal scale 名義尺度(沒有順序,隨機(jī))
              normal distribution 常態(tài)分布 features: 1. Symmetrical; 2. Skewness=0; 3. Kurtosis=3; 4. Fixed confidence interval (68%-1, 90%-1.65, 95%-1.96, 99%-2.58)
              null hypothesis 虛無假設(shè)(即意欲推翻的假設(shè))
              odd lot 零星交易/股票
              odds 等于P(A)/(1-P(A))
              one-tailed, one-sided 推翻null hypothesis后,剩下的結(jié)論只是一邊的,如a<0
              ordinal scale 順序尺度(按次序)
              parameter (在統(tǒng)計(jì)學(xué)中),指總體(population)的一個(gè)屬性
              performance bond 履約保證金
              permutation and combination 排列與組合 (即P與C)
              philips curve relations between inflation and unemployment rate
              platykurtic 扁平狀
              policy ineffectiveness theorem believes that policy changes only affect prices, not affecting output or unemployment; therefore, non-activist
              power of the test 等于1 - 出現(xiàn)Type II error的幾率,如果有多個(gè)tests,應(yīng)該選取最powerful,也即power of the test值最大的test
              preclear, prior clearance 事先批準(zhǔn)(比如防止雇員私自個(gè)人交易)
              price ceilings/floors tend to lead to shortage/surplus
              price discrimination 價(jià)格歧視;差別定價(jià)
              price taker vs. price searcher price searcher生產(chǎn)的是differentiated products, while price taker manufactures the same products, therefore it is inelastic
              principal-agent problem 地主-傭工之矛盾
              probability density function (pdf) f(x)=1/(b-a) 幾率密度函數(shù)
              proprietary trader (證券)自營(yíng)商
              prospect prospective client
              provision "撥備“
              proxy voting 代理投票
              purchasing power parity 購(gòu)買力平價(jià)理論 (Purchasing Power Parity) 指出,貨幣匯率應(yīng)該按照每個(gè)國(guó)家之間的相對(duì)物價(jià)為標(biāo)準(zhǔn),也就是說,兩個(gè)貨幣的匯率應(yīng)該等于這兩個(gè)國(guó)家的物價(jià)水平(以一固定攬子的貨物和服務(wù)來計(jì)算)的比例。因此,如果物價(jià)上升或出現(xiàn)通脹,貨幣就應(yīng)該貶值,來抵消任何套戥的機(jī)會(huì)。而套戥機(jī)會(huì)的意思是,當(dāng)同一件貨物有不同的價(jià)錢,買方與賣方就可以在沒有風(fēng)險(xiǎn)的情況下,通過短期的價(jià)格差距來獲得的利潤(rùn)。
              quantile 分位數(shù)
              range 極差(統(tǒng));最大值減去最小值
              ratio scale 比例尺度(最好的表示法,例如錢)
              real risk-free rate 即利率
              referral fee 介紹人(客戶)費(fèi)
              required reserve ratio (銀行)要求準(zhǔn)備金
              safety-first rules
              sampling distribution sampling引起的不同mean的distribution,注意,這和underlying variable的distribution是不同的
              sampling error 相當(dāng)于sample mean減去population mean
              scatter plot 分布圖(兩個(gè)變量作為X、Y軸)
              second law of demand 指從長(zhǎng)期來看,price elasticity要比短期的大(因?yàn)槎唐诓缓谜业絪ubstitute,而長(zhǎng)期可以找到)
              Securities Firms with Concurrent Operations in (Futures Trading Business ) 他業(yè)兼營(yíng)
              SFratio = (E(Rp)-Rl)/s 這里SF指satety first,該公式與Sharpe ratio很像(Rp-Rf)/s,區(qū)別是用threshold值代替了risk-free return,其含義是:同一個(gè)unit的風(fēng)險(xiǎn),高于Rl的值越大,越好 注意:threshold的值取得不同,最佳portfolio的選取結(jié)果也是不一樣的
              Sharpe ratio=(Rp-Rf)/standard deviation of portfolio It measures excess return per unit of risk, so that the quality of the return of different portfolios can be compared,描述每單位風(fēng)險(xiǎn)帶來的收益。注意與變異系數(shù)的區(qū)別。
              shortfall risk (資產(chǎn))價(jià)格掉到某個(gè)水平之下的風(fēng)險(xiǎn)
              sight L/C 即期信用證
              significance level 顯著標(biāo)準(zhǔn);用于衡量出現(xiàn)Type I 錯(cuò)誤的幾率;用Alpha表示 寫為at a significance level of 5%
              simple linear regression 一個(gè)倚變數(shù)和一個(gè)自變數(shù)之間的線性關(guān)系
              simple random sampling 被選中的機(jī)會(huì)均等
              skewness 偏態(tài)(理解positive skew和negative skew的形成(是因?yàn)橛蟹浅4蟮膐utlier的存在,造成比如mean>median>mode, 對(duì)于positive而言)
              soft dollars products or services other than execution of securities transactions are obtained by an adviser from or through a broker-dealer in exchange for the direction by the adviser of client brokerage transactions to the broker-dealer
              special drawing rights (with IMF) 特別提款權(quán)
              spot 現(xiàn)貨
              spurious correlation 偽關(guān)聯(lián)
              SPV (Special Purpose Vehicle) 資產(chǎn)證券化是指將缺乏流動(dòng)性但能夠產(chǎn)生未來現(xiàn)金流的資產(chǎn),通過結(jié)構(gòu)性重組,轉(zhuǎn)變?yōu)榭梢栽诮鹑谑袌?chǎng)上銷售和流通的證券,并據(jù)以融資的過程。在這一過程中,原始權(quán)益人將被證券化的基礎(chǔ)資產(chǎn)轉(zhuǎn)移給特別目的載體(SPV),SPV以該基礎(chǔ)資產(chǎn)所產(chǎn)生的現(xiàn)金流為支撐向投資者發(fā)行資產(chǎn)支撐證券,并用發(fā)行收入購(gòu)買基礎(chǔ)資產(chǎn),最終以基礎(chǔ)資產(chǎn)所產(chǎn)生的現(xiàn)金流償還投資者。
              squared error 平方誤差
              stagflation 滯脹
              standard error 等于s/n1/2,因?yàn)槭莔ean的s,所以要比underlying population的s要小很多,而且sample size越大,s越小
              standard error of sample mean 等于:s/n1/2 (s是population的standard deviation,而n是sample size) 相當(dāng)于:不同sample means 的mean仍然是population的mean,但是sample means離polulation mean的standard deviation則要小了 如果population的s未知,則用sample的s近似替代
              standard normal distribution 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)常態(tài)分布 features: 1. Mean=0; 2. S=1 (standard deviation)
              statutory (tax) incidence 政府規(guī)定是由買方還是賣方承擔(dān)tax;不會(huì)影響實(shí)際的tax incidence或deadweight loss
              stratified random sampling 與simple的不同之處在于其是在strata中選取的
              sunk costs 即fixed costs
              test statistic 檢定統(tǒng)計(jì)量(=(sample statistic - hypothesized value)/standard error)
              time series sample vs. cross-sectional data 一個(gè)是不同時(shí)間點(diǎn),一個(gè)是同一個(gè)時(shí)間點(diǎn)
              trade-date accounting vs. settlement-date accounting 交易發(fā)生日 和 結(jié)算日
              t-test 條件比z-test更寬泛(sample size<30; not normally distributed; population variance unknown)
              two-tailed, two-sided 推翻null hypothesis后,剩下的結(jié)論有兩邊,如a不等于0
              Type I error 推翻了原本正確的hypothesis的錯(cuò)誤
              Type II error 錯(cuò)誤的hypothesis而沒有推翻
              unimodal, bimodal 單一眾數(shù);雙眾數(shù)
              Unitary elasticity 單位彈性(指價(jià)格和需求的反向變化正好抵消,也即價(jià)格×需求的值不變)
              usance L/C 遠(yuǎn)期信用證
              whisper number 謠言的數(shù)字(比如某個(gè)公司實(shí)際的盈利,但尚未披露)
              z-test 兩個(gè)條件:1. Population variance已知;2. Normal distribution
              z-value =(x-mean)/s 由z的值判定該值的可能性落在哪個(gè)百分比之內(nèi),要注意的是,這個(gè)z值對(duì)應(yīng)的是cumulative,不過用1減去對(duì)應(yīng)的百分比就是反面的負(fù)值,從而可以得出一個(gè)分布的范圍 同樣要記住的是:z反映的是standard deviation的倍數(shù)
              voluntary export restraint 自動(dòng)出口設(shè)限; a non-tariff barrier to trade
              unified currency 統(tǒng)一貨幣,如歐元
              nostro account 國(guó)外同業(yè)帳戶 A banking term to describe an account one bank holds with a bank in a foreign country, usually in the currency of that foreign country
              Herstatt risk 跨國(guó)貨幣結(jié)算風(fēng)險(xiǎn)(或赫思塔特風(fēng)險(xiǎn))
              summary suspension 立刻吊銷??
              cannibalization 市場(chǎng)侵蝕 Corporate cannibalism occurs when companies introduce new products into a market in which these products are already established. In effect, the new products are competing against their own incumbent products.
              floating cost 發(fā)行(股票)費(fèi)用
              externality impact on (third party??)
              cash outlay 現(xiàn)金支出
              half-year convention 即3年的Depreciation期要延長(zhǎng)為4年(因?yàn)轭^尾兩年都是落在年中)
              accountability (董事)問責(zé)制
              TIE ratio (Times Interest Earned) = EBIT/Interest 利息倍數(shù)(衡量liquidity償債能力)
              clean, qualified, adverse, disclaimer of opinions 無保留意見,保留意見,反面意見,拒絕表示意見(Audit Report中)
              intermediary 中介機(jī)構(gòu)
              tax credit 免稅/抵稅(比如fuel credit)
              recoverability test
              Lessee's incremental borrowing rate the rate of interest the lessee would have to pay on a similar lease or, if that is not determinable, the rate that, at the inception of the lease, the lessee would incur to borrow over a similar term, and with a similar security, the funds necessary to purchase the asset.
              carrying cost 持有成本?
              boot strapping 用自己的錢投資創(chuàng)業(yè);compared with "venture capital"
              corner the market 莊家控股
              pooling of interests

              (grant) indulgence 延期
              (through) consultations (通過)協(xié)商
              ?? 權(quán)利主張
              ?? 專享選擇權(quán)
              ?? 公契
              a quorum is not constituted 未達(dá)到法定人數(shù)
              abatement 減免
              Accountability System 問責(zé)制
              accrued obligations and rights 已生效的權(quán)利和義務(wù)
              ad valorem duty 從價(jià)稅
              admissibility in evidence 作為證據(jù)可被接受
              adoption 通過
              advance 墊款
              affiliate 關(guān)聯(lián)方
              AHU 空氣處理(系統(tǒng))
              allegation 主張,指控
              ancillary agreement 附屬協(xié)議
              approval authority 審批機(jī)關(guān)
              arm's length 公平;但這里的公平更多的是independent的意思
              arranger 安排行??
              assert (right) 主張
              assign 受讓人
              audit committee 審計(jì)委員會(huì)
              authorized share capital 法定股本
              auto walk 自動(dòng)扶梯
              be aware of 知悉
              be subject to criminal prosecution; be held criminally liable 追究刑事責(zé)任
              binding on … 對(duì)…有約束力
              bonded warehouse 保稅倉(cāng)庫(kù)
              book entry bond 記賬式國(guó)債 ( Securities that are recorded in electronic records, called book entries, rather than as paper certificates. )
              business registration certificate 公司注冊(cè)登記證
              BVI (British Virgin Islands)
              cancel share(s) 注銷股份
              capital adequacy ratio 資本充足率
              capital allowance 資本免稅額
              capital verification report 驗(yàn)資報(bào)告
              carve-out ???
              Cash collateral 現(xiàn)金抵押(通常是由原始權(quán)益人在一個(gè)共管帳戶(ESCREW ACCOUNT)中存入相當(dāng)于發(fā)行規(guī)模一定比例的現(xiàn)金,比如6%10%,用于可能出現(xiàn)信用損失或流動(dòng)性損失的彌補(bǔ)。)
              casting vote 決定票
              cease to have effect 停止有效
              Cement mortar 水泥砂漿
              Certificate for the use of state-owned land 國(guó)有土地使用證
              certified mail 掛號(hào)信
              certify to … as (being true, equal) 向…證明
              chairman 召集人
              China Banking Regulatory Commission 中國(guó)銀監(jiān)會(huì)
              circumstances 情況
              clamshell handset 翻蓋式手機(jī)
              CMO (collateralized mortgage obligation) 抵押按揭債務(wù)憑證
              code of conduct 守則
              comfort letter 安慰函(政府或公司律師出具的證明公司良好的證明)
              communication 通信
              compensated use 有償使用
              compliance dept. 監(jiān)察稽核部
              composition 和解
              compound with 妥協(xié);和解
              condemnation 征用
              conditions precedent 先決條件
              confer on (institution) 授予
              conscious of 知悉
              consideration 對(duì)價(jià);約因 a vital element in the law of contracts, consideration is a benefit which must be bargained for between the parties, and is the essential reason for a party entering into a contract. Consideration must be of value (at least to the parties), and is exchanged for the performance or promise of performance by the other party (such performance itself is consideration). In a contract, one consideration (thing given) is exchanged for another consideration. Not doing an act (forbearance) can be consideration, such as "I will pay you $1,000 not to build a road next to my fence." Sometimes consideration is "nominal," meaning it is stated for form only, such as "$10 as consideration for conveyance of title," which is used to hide the true amount being paid. Contracts may become unenforceable or rescindable (undone by rescission) for "failure of consideration" when the intended consideration is found to be worth less than expected, is damaged or destroyed, or performance is not made properly (as when the mechanic does not make the car run properly). Acts which are illegal or so immoral that they are against established public policy cannot serve as consideration for enforceable contracts. Examples: prostitution, gambling where outlawed, hiring someone to break a skater's knee or inducing someone to breach an agreement (talk someone into backing out of a promise).
              constitutive 組織性
              continuing obligation 持續(xù)性義務(wù)
              contributions to 出資
              controlling shareholder 控股股東
              counterclaim 反索
              covenant 承諾
              covered warrant 備兌憑證
              credit 減免???
              credit certificate 資信證明
              credit underwriting 信用擔(dān)保
              cumulative 累積性的
              currency indemnity 貨幣兌換賠償
              currency of account 記賬幣種
              date of agreement 協(xié)議簽署日
              deadlock 僵局
              deduction 扣減
              deed of guarantee 擔(dān)保契約
              default interest 罰息
              Defaults 違約
              definition 釋義
              development agreement 開發(fā)協(xié)議
              discharge (obligation, responsibility) 履行
              disciplinary proceeding 懲戒性程序
              dissenting view 異議
              dissolution 解散
              distress 扣押
              domestic enterprise 內(nèi)資企業(yè)
              double tax treaty 避免雙重征稅協(xié)定
              Downspout 雨水管
              drawdown, rollover 提款,???
              due and payable 到期應(yīng)付
              duly authorized 正式授權(quán)
              earnest money 保證金
              Electricity tariff 電費(fèi)
              eminent domain proceeding 征收程序
              Employees' Assembly 職工代表大會(huì)
              emulsion painting 乳膠漆
              encumbrancer 負(fù)擔(dān)權(quán)益人
              enforceability 可執(zhí)行性
              escrow (第三方)托管 (for instance: escrow agreement, A certificate provided by an approved bank that guarantees the indicated securities are deposited at that particular bank. )
              evidence conclusively 結(jié)論性證據(jù)
              evidencing 證實(shí)
              examination and approval 審批
              exclusivity 排他性
              execute a contract 簽署合同
              exempt 多半是“免稅”的意思
              exposure 敞口
              expressly 明確地
              extraordinary shareholders meeting 臨時(shí)股東大會(huì)
              facility 貸款、融通(工具)(for instance, Committed Facility: A credit facility whereby terms and conditions are clearly defined by the lending institution and imposed upon the borrowing company. In committed facilities, the borrowing companies must meet specific requirements set forth by the lending institution in order to receive the stated funds.
              failing agreement of the Parties 如雙方未能共同認(rèn)可
              fans 風(fēng)機(jī)
              filing for record 報(bào)備案
              filing of… with…
              foreign invested enterprise 外資企業(yè)
              forthwith 立即
              franked dividends 稅務(wù)減免股息
              fume exhaust cover 排油煙罩
              general law
              giving effect to ???
              good faith negotiations 誠(chéng)意的商談
              good title 妥善業(yè)權(quán)
              grease traps 隔油池
              gross negligence 嚴(yán)重疏忽
              hand-over 移交?
              have back 收回??
              head office (銀行)總行
              honorary title 榮譽(yù)稱號(hào)
              illegal restriction of personal freedom 非法限制人身自由
              illegality 不合法
              immunity 豁免權(quán)
              improvement (建筑)增建
              imputation system, 歸原稅制
              in all respects ???
              in full force and effect 充分效力
              in witness whereof 以資證明
              indebtedness 債務(wù)
              In-house congress 企業(yè)法律顧問論壇
              injunctive relief 法令救濟(jì);禁止性救濟(jì)
              input tax 進(jìn)項(xiàng)稅;投入稅,實(shí)際上就是已經(jīng)支付的稅(特指GST?)
              input tax credit 因?yàn)檫M(jìn)項(xiàng)稅一般可以退,所以這是指可以退還的部分
              insolvency 資不抵債;無力償債
              institute 仲裁院
              instrument 文書
              insurance of persons 人壽保險(xiǎn)
              interference 干預(yù)
              investment certificate 出資證明
              investment vehicle
              issued share capital 已發(fā)行股本
              jurisdiction 管轄權(quán)
              Know all men by these presents 特此由(presents)向(all men)公告
              landscaping 綠化
              lateral transfer 公司內(nèi)部平級(jí)調(diào)整
              Law of Land Administration of the People's Republic of China 中華人民共和國(guó)土地管理法
              lawful money 法定貨幣
              letter of compliance 符合規(guī)定證明
              letter of offer 貸款獻(xiàn)議書
              limitation of liability 責(zé)任上限
              liquidated damages 違約金??
              lock-out (工廠)停工
              LOTUS 在CC指興業(yè)銀行
              M/E 機(jī)電
              management accounts 管理賬目
              mandatory requirements 法定…要求
              manifest error 明顯的錯(cuò)誤
              Market Access 市場(chǎng)準(zhǔn)入
              marketable title 可轉(zhuǎn)讓產(chǎn)權(quán)
              master agreement 總協(xié)定
              MBS Pass-Through 按揭支持過手證券
              mediation 調(diào)解
              memorandum of association (公司)組織大綱
              mogas motor gasoline, 車用汽油
              movable tangibles 動(dòng)產(chǎn)
              NASD(National Association of Securities Dealers) 全美證券交易商協(xié)會(huì)
              nationalise 收歸國(guó)有
              non-defaulting party 守約方
              non-exclusive jurisdiction 非排他性司法管轄權(quán)
              non-slip 防滑
              noticed 注意到
              notwithstanding anything to the contrary in … 即使…有任何相反的規(guī)定
              Notwithstanding the foregoing 盡管有以上規(guī)定
              Obligor borrower, guarantor
              officer 人員
              on the faith of 憑…的信用;基于
              one-tier corporate tax system 單一公司稅制; 公司的盈利在繳付公司稅后,派發(fā)給股東的股息便不須繳稅。換句話說,政府只向公司收稅,顯著簡(jiǎn)化了公司派發(fā)股息的過程,而對(duì)股東而言,股息收入將是免稅的。
              ongoing operations 持續(xù)經(jīng)營(yíng)
              operating permit 經(jīng)營(yíng)許可證
              order 有“指令”的意思
              original 正本
              out of malice 出于惡意
              out of pocket expenditures 零星開支
              out-of-expenses ??? (零星開支)
              outstanding 未償還的
              overdue amount 未繳款項(xiàng)
              own-brand 使用自己商標(biāo)的
              pari passu 平等權(quán)利;同等權(quán)益;按相同比例
              partial invalidity 部分無效
              participation 參股
              pass on to 攤派
              passage of time 時(shí)間推移
              pay to the order of (實(shí)際上就是收款人)付XX公司…
              payable monthly in arrears 每月一欠
              Penalties 罰則
              pledge, or encumber 設(shè)置質(zhì)押,設(shè)置擔(dān)保
              practice 做法
              prescribed period 規(guī)定期限
              principal outstanding 未償本金
              proceed against 起訴
              proceeding 程序
              proforma financial statement 試算財(cái)務(wù)報(bào)表
              promoter 發(fā)起人
              promotional literature 宣傳資料
              publicly available laws ???
              Puttying 刮膩?zhàn)?BR>ramp area 坡道
              receiver 接管人
              receivership 破產(chǎn)管理
              recurring, recurrent 經(jīng)常性
              register of shareholders 股東名冊(cè)
              reimbursement 償付
              reinstate 復(fù)原
              remedy 修正
              remittance advice 匯款單
              representations 陳述
              repudiate, repudiation 否認(rèn)
              resolved 特此決議
              rollover 展期??
              rules and procedures 規(guī)則和程序
              SAFE (State Administration of Foreign Exchange) 國(guó)家外匯管理局
              safe-box 保管箱
              save as (disclosed) 除了 (披露) 的外
              seal affixed 加蓋公章
              secured revolving loan credit facility 有抵押的貸款額度
              senior subordinated notes 優(yōu)先次級(jí)本票
              sent by post 郵寄
              septic tanks 化糞池
              serve (order, summons) 送達(dá)
              serve consecutive terms 連任
              serve notice on 向…發(fā)通知
              set-off 抵消
              settlement 轉(zhuǎn)讓(契約);因(契約)而轉(zhuǎn)讓
              shaft 管井
              share capital 股本
              side letter 單邊保證函
              signed client 簽約客戶
              sliding door 自動(dòng)門
              smoke exhaust 排煙
              soft dollar agreement Firm A uses research from Firm B in exchange for Firm B executing all of Firm A's trades.
              specific performance (守約方要求違約方繼續(xù))具體履行(某些條款)
              specimen signature 樣簽
              splitting (seperation) 分立
              square off 平盤 未平倉(cāng)的合約 (Open Position) Squaring off is placing the opposite order to the position you currently hold
              staircase 樓梯間
              State Administration of Industry and Commerce 國(guó)家工商行政管理局
              State-owned Land Use Certificate 國(guó)有土地使用證
              statute of limitations 時(shí)效期間
              striking out 除名(從公司登記處)
              subject matter 題述事項(xiàng)
              subject to 受限于
              subsist 存在
              subsisting ????
              substantive law 實(shí)體法(與Procedural相對(duì))
              successor 繼承人
              supplementary articles 附則
              Supplementary Provisions 附則
              survival 繼續(xù)生效
              syndicated loans 銀團(tuán)貸款(多家銀行貸款,通常是固定利率加一個(gè)floating rate)
              takeover 接收
              tank farm 儲(chǔ)油站
              tax credits 稅務(wù)減免
              tax gross-up 包稅
              tax regime
              tenant 承租人;(期限?)
              tenor 期限
              term of appointment 任期
              term of office 任期
              terms and conditions 條款和條件
              Tertiary treated wastewater 中水
              the Administrative Urban Real Property Laws of the People's Republic of China 城市房地產(chǎn)管理法
              there is and has been 現(xiàn)時(shí)和一直以來均
              third party financing
              tiles sticking 貼面磚
              To the best of the Seller's knowledge, information and belief 在賣方知悉、知曉和相信的范圍內(nèi)
              trial measure 試行
              trowelling 抹平
              under … (agreement) 在….項(xiàng)下
              under… 所載
              undersigned 下方簽署人
              undertake to do 承諾
              undertaking 承諾
              undertaking 業(yè)務(wù)(比如與property并列)
              unilaterally 單方地
              Uni, ncorporated Joint Venture 非法人型合資企業(yè)
              unsatisfied judgment 不執(zhí)行生效判決
              warranty 保證
              wear and tear allowance 耗損免稅額
              whereupon 屆時(shí)
              willful misconduct 故意贖職
              winding-up 停業(yè)
              withholding 預(yù)繳、預(yù)扣
              without prejudice to 在不影響…的情況下,無損
              without reference to 不管,不論,與…無關(guān)
              writ 令狀
              primary liability 首要責(zé)任
              indulgence 有“延期”的意思
              contribution 出資
              Company Ordinances (香港)公司條例
              podium 裙樓
              ring road 環(huán)路
              Grade-A office complexes A級(jí)寫字樓
              sense of place 地方感
              master planning 總體規(guī)劃
              staggered 錯(cuò)開的
              availability 可得性
              expression 用語
              for the purpose of 為…之目的
              personal delivery 專人遞送
              counterpart 復(fù)本
              non-availability 不可得
              avoidance 使無效,撤銷
              Bankruptcy Remoteness 破產(chǎn)隔離”
              in good standing 存續(xù);良好營(yíng)業(yè)
              acknowledge 認(rèn)知
              beneficially owned 實(shí)益擁有
              tenancy agreement 租約;(租期)
              surrender agreement 退租書
              co-terminus 同期限???
              official capacity 權(quán)能
              in furtherance of 促成
              relate to 敘述
              printed matter 出版物
              publicity 宣傳
              knowingly 故意,蓄意
              instrumentality (政府)職能部門
              where applicable
              record keeping 簿記
              commitment letter
              restate, restatement 歷史賬目的重新編寫(重排),因?yàn)槌鍪鄣?BR>omit to do, omission, inaction 不作為
              specifiy 載明
              discretionary power 自主決定權(quán)
              power of sale 強(qiáng)制拍賣權(quán)
              in regard thereof 就此
              encumbrance 擔(dān)保權(quán)益
              implied warranty 默示擔(dān)保
              incidental damages 附帶損害
              consequential damages 間接損害
              registered office 注冊(cè)營(yíng)業(yè)處
              agree as follows 約定如下
              release 豁免
              previous incarnation 前身
              serve consecutive terms 連任
              captive power plant 自備電廠
              overhaul (bank sector)
              turnaround 逆轉(zhuǎn)
              CBRC China Banking Regulatory Commission
              outsmart be smarter than
              circumvent the rules
              capital stock
              TFP, Total Factor Productivity 指在勞力和資金的投入沒有變化的情況之下,所有能夠改進(jìn)生產(chǎn)方法來增加產(chǎn)出的因素。這些附加的因素包括了工藝技術(shù),革新,優(yōu)等的管理技術(shù),專門化的貢獻(xiàn),增加的效率
              triggering thresholds
              business tunrover
              employee settlement plan
              private equity powerhouse the Carlyle Group
              company limited by shares 股份有限公司
              MOFTEC,現(xiàn)在更名為MOFCOM Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
              MOFCOM Ministry of Commerce
              ADB (IFC) multilateral institutions; Asian Development Bank
              sub-branch (銀行)支行
              disbanding the transition management committee
              investee bank here investee means invested
              capital adequacy ratio (銀行)資本充足率
              approval certificate
              NGO Non-governmental organizations
              Moody's 穆迪
              a.k.a also known as
              flotation 就是listing
              down payment 首付
              oversubscription 超額認(rèn)購(gòu)
              disintermediation 去中間商(比如,銀行的作用隨著公司自身的finance company的出現(xiàn)而削弱)
              no-win ineffective measure
              intraday 當(dāng)日的
              central enterprise 中央企業(yè)
              inter-bank 跨行
              FX 外匯
              in their entirety 全文
              fruit machine 吃角子老虎
              sweepstaker 賭博,彩票
              private plated car 私家牌照車
              comptroller 審計(jì)員
              arm's length 公平地
              capital allowances 資本免稅額
              unabsorbed 未吸納的
              nitty-gritty essence
              principal trading vs. agency trading, means market maker or dealer
              inception 起期
              cast doubt on 質(zhì)疑
              capital return 資本回收(與ROC對(duì)比)
              in net in summary
              value delivery 價(jià)值讓渡
              value proposition 價(jià)值主張
              copyright owner 著作人
              only …元整
              patent assignee 專利權(quán)人
              surety 擔(dān)保人
              joint and several liability guarantee 連帶責(zé)任擔(dān)保
              onlending 轉(zhuǎn)貸
              functioning department (企業(yè)的)職能部門
              obligatory relationships 債權(quán)債務(wù)關(guān)系
              standby L/C 備用信用證
              amount in word?? (英文)大寫
              Land- Block / Lot / Parcel / Plot 好像是從大到小排列
              as is “按照現(xiàn)狀”
              cap fee 封頂收費(fèi)
              Ares Communications Tech.,Lnc 泓越科技股份有限公司
              signature card (銀行)印鑒卡
              transfer voucher 轉(zhuǎn)賬憑證
              payee 收款人
              Rolling Slats Door 卷簾門
              We refer to…. 茲就……,特致此函。
              In view of the above, 鑒于以上所述,
              pay up 繳清
              (loans) delinquent in the payment of principal or interest for ninety (90) days 未償付本金或利息達(dá)九十天的貸款
              circular 通函
              counterclaim 反訴
              present 現(xiàn)時(shí)的
              as of 截至
              claim against a proprietary right; 物上請(qǐng)求權(quán)
              state-owned assets administrative authorities 國(guó)有資產(chǎn)管理機(jī)構(gòu)
              documents verification 文件查驗(yàn)
              procure to deliver 備妥
              levelling of the land 場(chǎng)地平整
              express reference 明示
              communications 函件
              date/place of incorporation (公司)成立時(shí)間、地點(diǎn)
              subject to license where a license if required 涉及許可經(jīng)營(yíng)的憑許可證經(jīng)營(yíng)
              fully paid up 足額繳付;繳清
              removal and relocation 動(dòng)遷
              damages 損害賠償金
              priveleged communication 特許可以(在法庭上)不泄漏的信息

              上一篇文章: 商務(wù)英語中易犯的五個(gè)錯(cuò)誤
              下一篇文章: 文化語境與語詞翻譯
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