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              通用機(jī)械行業(yè)標(biāo)準(zhǔn) 英漢對照表
              發(fā)布者:kingworld 發(fā)布時間:2011-01-24 8:41:25 閱讀:1580

              1 GB 567-1989 拱形金屬爆破片技術(shù)條件 Specification for domed metallic bursting discs
              2 GB/T 783-1987 起重機(jī)械 最大起重量系列 Lifting appliance Range of maximun capacitios

              3 GB/T 790-1995 電動橋式起重機(jī)跨度和起升高度系列 Overhead travelling crane--Span series and lifting height series

              4 GB/T 814-1989 弧形閘門通用技術(shù)條件 General technical requirements for radial gates

              5 GB/T 987-1991 帶式輸送機(jī) 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Belt conveyors—Basic parameters and dimensions

              6 GB/T 988-1991 帶式輸送機(jī) 滾筒 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Belt conveyor pulleys—Basic parameters and dimensions

              7 GB/T 990-1991 帶式輸送機(jī) 托輥 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Belt conveyor idlers—Basic parameters and dimensions

              8 GB/T 994-1977 TD型帶式輸送機(jī)螺旋拉緊裝置 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Screw thread belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications

              9 GB/T 995-1977 TD型帶式輸送機(jī)垂直拉緊裝置 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Vertical belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications

              10 GB/T 996-1977 TD型帶式輸送機(jī)車式拉緊裝置 基本參數(shù)與尺寸 Trolley type belt tighteners for type TD belt conveyor--Specifications

              11 GB/T 1236-1985 通風(fēng)機(jī)空氣動力性能試驗方法 Test methods of aerodynamic performance for fans

              12 GB/T 2817-1991 井用潛水泵技術(shù)條件 Specification for submersible pumps for deep well

              13 GB/T 2888-1991 風(fēng)機(jī)和羅茨鼓風(fēng)機(jī)噪聲測量方法 Methods of noise measurement for fans, blowers compressors and Roots blowers

              14 GB/T 3163-1993 真空技術(shù)術(shù)語 Terminology for vacuum technology

              15 GB/T 3164-1993 真空技術(shù)系統(tǒng)圖用圖形符號 Vacuum technology--Graphical symbols

              16 GB/T 3214-1991 水泵流量的測定方法 Methods for measurement of capacity of pump

              17 GB/T 3215-1982 煉廠、化工及石油化工流程用離心泵通用技術(shù)條件 Centrifugal pumps forrefinery, chemical and petrochemical processes--General technicalspecifications

              18 GB/T 3216-1989 離心泵、混流泵、軸流泵和旋渦泵試驗方法 Test methods for centrifugal, mixed flow, axial and regenerative pumps

              19 GB/T 3235-1982 通風(fēng)機(jī)基本型式、尺寸、參數(shù)及性能曲線 Basic types, sizes, parameters and characteristics of fans

              20 GB/T 3264-1989 單張紙平版膠印機(jī) 技術(shù)條件 Specification for sheet-fed planographic offset press

              21 GB/T 3811-1983 起重機(jī)設(shè)計規(guī)范 Design rules for cranes

              22 GB/T 4307-1984 起重吊鉤 名詞術(shù)語 Lifting hooks--Nomenclature

              23 GB/T 4652-1984 雙臂式裝載機(jī) 試驗方法 Method for testing the gathering arm loaders

              24 GB/T 4774-1984 離心機(jī)和過濾機(jī) 名詞術(shù)語 Terminology of centrifuge and filter

              25 GB/T 4975-1995 容積式壓縮機(jī)術(shù)語 總則 Displacement compressors vocabulary--General

              26 GB/T 4976-1985 壓縮機(jī)分類 Compressors--Classification

              27 GB/T 4980-1985 容積式壓縮機(jī)噪聲聲功率級的測定--工程法 Determination of sound powerlevel for noise emitted by displacement compressors--Engineering method

              28 GB/T 4983-1985 擰緊型真空快卸法蘭 Vacuum technology screwed type quick release flange

              29 GB 5099-1994 鋼質(zhì)無縫氣瓶 Seamless steel gas cylinders

              30 GB 5100-1994 鋼質(zhì)焊接氣瓶 Welded steel gas cylinders

              31 GB/T 5140-1985 叉車 掛鉤型貨叉 術(shù)語 Fork lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms--Vocabulary

              32 GB/T 5141-1985 平衡重式叉車 穩(wěn)定性 基本試驗 Counter balanced lift trucks--Stability--Basic tests

              33 GB/T 5142-1985 前移式和插腿式叉車 穩(wěn)定性試驗 Reach and straddle fork lift trucks--Stability tests

              34 GB 5143-1985 高起升車輛護(hù)頂架 技術(shù)要求和試驗方法 High-lift rider trucks--Overhead guards--Specification and testing

              35 GB/T 5182-1996 叉車 貨叉 技術(shù)要求和試驗 Fork-lift trucks--Fork arms--Technical characteristics and testing

              36 GB/T 5183-1985 叉車貨叉的尺寸 Fork lift trucks--Fork arms--Dimensions

              37 GB/T 5184-1996 叉車 掛鉤型貨叉和貨叉架 安裝尺寸 Fork-lift trucks--Hook-on type fork arms and fork arm carriages--Mounting dimensions

              38 GB/T 5621-1985 鑿巖機(jī)械與氣動工具性能試驗方法 Test methods of performance for rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools

              39 GB/T 5656-1994 離心泵技術(shù)條件(II類) Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps--Class II

              40 GB/T 5657-1995 離心泵技術(shù)條件(Ⅲ類) Technical specifications for centrifugal pumps--Class Ⅲ

              41 GB/T 5660-1985 軸向吸入離心泵底座尺寸和安裝尺寸 End-suction centrifugal pumps - Baseplate and installation dimensions
              42 GB/T 5661-1985 軸向吸入離心泵機(jī)械密封和軟填料用的空腔尺寸 End - suction centrifugalpumps - Dimensions of cavities for mechanical seals and for softpacking

              43 GB/T 5662-1985 軸向吸入離心泵 (16 bar) 標(biāo)記、性能和尺寸 End - suctioncentrifugalpumps (rating 16 bar) - Designation, nominal duty point anddimensions

              44 GB/T 5773-1986 容積式制冷壓縮機(jī)性能試驗方法 The methods of performance test for positive displacement refrigerant compressors

              45 GB 5842-1996 液化石油氣鋼瓶 Liquefied petroleum gas cylinders

              46 GB/T 5905-1986 起重機(jī)試驗規(guī)范和程序 Cranes--Test code and procedures

              47 GB/T 5973-1986 鋼絲繩用楔形接頭 Cuneiform conector for use with steel wire ropes

              48 GB/T 5974.1-1986 鋼絲繩用普通套環(huán) General purpose thimbles for use with steel wire ropes

              49 GB/T 5974.2-1986 鋼絲繩用重型套環(huán) Heavy thimbles for use wire steel wire ropes

              50 GB/T 5975-1986 鋼絲繩用壓板 Clamping plates for fixing steel wire ropes

              51 GB/T 5976-1986 鋼絲繩夾 Wire rope grips

              52 GB/T 6067-1985 起重機(jī)械安全規(guī)程 Safety rules for lifting appliances

              53 GB/T 6068.1-1985 汽車起重機(jī)和輪胎起重機(jī)試驗規(guī)范 一般要求 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--General requirements

              54 GB/T 6068.2-1985 汽車起重機(jī)和輪胎起重機(jī)試驗規(guī)范 合格試驗 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Conformity test

              55 GB/T 6068.3-1985 汽車起重機(jī)和輪胎起重機(jī)試驗規(guī)范 穩(wěn)定性的確定 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Determination of stability

              56 GB/T 6068.4-1985 汽車起重機(jī)和輪胎起重機(jī)試驗規(guī)范 結(jié)構(gòu)試驗 Test code for truck crane and mobile crane--Structure test

              57 GB/T 6070-1995 真空法蘭 Vacuum flanges

              58 GB/T 6071.1-1985 超高真空法蘭結(jié)構(gòu)型式 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Types

              59 GB/T 6071.2-1985 超高真空法蘭尺寸 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Dimensions

              60 GB/T 6071.3-1985 超高真空法蘭用銅密封墊 Ultra-high vacuum flange--Copper seal gaskets

              61 GB/T 6247-1986 鑿巖機(jī)械與氣動工具名詞術(shù)語 Terminology of rock drilling machines and pneumatic tools

              62 GB/T 6374-1986 鑿巖機(jī)械與氣動工具尾柄和襯套配合尺寸 Shanks for rock drillingmachines and pneumatic tools and fitting dimensions of chuck bushings

              63 GB/T 6375-1986 土方機(jī)械 牽引力測試方法 Earth-moving machinery--Method of test for the measurement of draw-bar pull

              64 GB/T 6490.1-1986 水輪泵名詞術(shù)語及定義 Terms and definitions of water-turbine pumps

              65 GB/T 6490.2-1986 水輪泵試驗方法 Testing methods of water-turbine pump

              66 GB/T 6572.2-1986 挖掘機(jī)名詞術(shù)語 機(jī)械式 Excavators terminology--Cable operated type

              67 GB/T 6945-1986 筒式柴油打樁錘性能試驗方法 Methods of performance test for tubular diesel pile hammer

              68 GB/T 6947-1986 建筑卷揚(yáng)機(jī)試驗規(guī)范和方法 Construction winch--Test code and procedures

              69 GB/T 6974.1-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 起重機(jī)械類型 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Types of lifting appliances

              70 GB/T 6974.2-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 主要參數(shù) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Parameters

              71 GB/T 6974.3-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 一般概念 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--General concepts

              72 GB/T 6974.4-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 機(jī)構(gòu)和零部件 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Mechanism and component parts

              73 GB/T 6974.5-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 安全指示裝置 Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Limiting and indicating devices

              74 GB/T 6974.6-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 流動式起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Mobile cranes

              75 GB/T 6974.7-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 鐵路起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Railway cranes

              76 GB/T 6974.8-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 浮式起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Floating cranes

              77 GB/T 6974.9-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 塔式起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Tower cranes

              78 GB/T 6974.10-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 門座起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Portal slewing cranes

              79 GB/T 6974.11-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 桅桿起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Derrick cranes

              80 GB/T 6974.12-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 橋式起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Overhead travelling cranes
              81 GB/T 6974.13-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 門式起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Portal bridge cranes

              82 GB/T 6974.14-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 纜索起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Cable cranes

              83 GB/T 6974.15-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 懸掛單軌系統(tǒng) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Underslung monorail systems

              84 GB/T 6974.16-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 冶金起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Metallurgy cranes

              85 GB/T 6974.17-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 堆垛起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Stacking cranes

              86 GB/T 6974.18-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 港口起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Port cranes

              87 GB/T 6974.19-1986 起重機(jī)械名詞術(shù)語 集裝箱起重機(jī) Lifting appliances--Vocabulary--Container cranes

              88 GB/T 7021-1986 離心泵名詞術(shù)語 Glossary of terms for centrifugal pump

              89 GB/T 7022-1986 容積式壓縮機(jī)噪聲聲功率級的測定 簡易法 Determination of sound powerlevel for noise emitted by displacement compressors--Survey method

              90 GB 7144-1986 氣瓶顏色標(biāo)記 Coloured mark for gas cylinders

              91 GB/T 7592-1987 通用橋式起重機(jī) 限界尺寸 Boundary dimensions of E.O.T.cranes

              92 GB/T 7593-1987 機(jī)動工業(yè)車輛 控制符號 Powered industrial trucks--Control symbols

              93 GB/T 7774-1987 渦輪分子泵性能測試方法 Methods of measurement of the performance characteristics of tubo-molecular pumps

              94 GB/T 7777-1987 往復(fù)活塞壓縮機(jī)機(jī)械振動測量與評價 Measurement and evluation of mechanical vibration of reciprocating piston compressors

              95 GB/T 7778-1987 制冷劑編號表示方法 Number designation of refrigerants

              96 GB/T 7779-1987 離心機(jī)型號編制方法 The model designation of centrifuges

              97 GB/T 7780-1987 過濾機(jī)型號編制方法 The model designation of filters

              98 GB/T 7781-1987 分離機(jī)型號編制方法 The model designation of separators

              99 GB/T 7782-1996 計量泵 Metering pump

              100 GB/T 7784-1987 機(jī)動往復(fù)泵試驗方法 Method of testing power reciprocating pump

              101 GB/T 7785-1987 往復(fù)泵分類和名詞術(shù)語 Classification and vocabulary for reciprocating pump

              102 GB 7786-1987 動力用空氣壓縮機(jī)和隔膜壓縮機(jī)噪聲聲功率級限值 Limits of sound power levelfor noise emitted by air compressors (for power source use) anddiaphragm compressors

              103 GB/T 7787-1987 往復(fù)活塞空氣壓縮機(jī)基本參數(shù) Reciprocating piston air compressors--Basic parameters

              104 GB/T 7899-1987 焊接、切割及類似工藝用氣瓶減壓器 Regulators for gas cylinders used in welding, cutting and allied processes

              105 GB/T 7941-1987 制冷裝置試驗 Testing of refrigerating systems

              106 GB 7950-1987 臂架型起重機(jī) 起重力矩限制器通用技術(shù)條件 Jib type cranes--Load moment limiters--General technical requirements

              107 GB 8334-1987 液化石油氣鋼瓶定期檢驗與評定 Periodic inspection and evaluation of liquefied petro-leum gas cylinders

              108 GB 8337-1996 氣瓶用易熔合金塞 Fusible plug for gas cylinders

              109 GB/T 8418-1987 土方機(jī)械 整機(jī)尺寸的測量方法 Earth moving machinery--Methodsof measuring the dimensions of whole machines with their equipment

              110 GB/T 8419-1987 土方機(jī)械 司機(jī)座椅 振動試驗方法和限值 Earth-maving machinery--Operater seat--Vibration testing method and limiting levels

              111 GB/T 8420-1987 土方機(jī)械 司機(jī)的身材尺寸與司機(jī)的最小活動空間 Earth-movingmachinery--Human physical dimensions of operators and minimum operatorspace envelope

              112 GB/T 8422-1987 振動壓路機(jī)可靠性試驗方法 Methods of reliabillity test for vibratory rollers

              113 GB/T 8498-1987 土方機(jī)械基本類型術(shù)語 Earth-moving machinery--Basic types--Vocabulary

              114 GB/T 8499-1987 土方機(jī)械 測定重心位置的方法 Earth-moving machinery--Method for locating the centre of gravity

              115 GB/T 8506-1987 平地機(jī)性能試驗方 Method of performance test for graders

              116 GB/T 8507-1987 輪胎壓路機(jī)性能試驗方 Pneumatic tyre roller--Test method for performance

              117 GB/T 8508-1987 輪胎壓路機(jī)可靠性試驗方法 Pneumatic tyre roller--Test method for reliability

              118 GB/T 8515-1987 筒式柴油打樁錘分類 Diesel pile hammer classification

              119 GB/T 8516-1987 筒式柴油打樁錘技術(shù)條件 Tubular diesel pile hammer--Technical conditions

              120 GB/T 8517-1987 振動樁錘分類 Vibratory pile hammer-Classification
              來源: 譯友-翻譯人才網(wǎng)
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