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              首  頁 公司簡介 翻譯范圍 服務(wù)報(bào)價(jià) 翻譯流程 質(zhì)量控制 語言培訓(xùn) 出國留學(xué) 付款方式 聯(lián)系我們


              電 話:13832812125




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              發(fā)布者:kingworld 發(fā)布時(shí)間:2011-01-17 8:30:22 閱讀:1881
              蒙特雷國際關(guān)系學(xué)院將于2011年4月8日至9日舉辦2011年蒙特雷論壇(MONTEREY FORUM 2011),主題是口筆譯工作者及本地化從業(yè)者的教育創(chuàng)新(Innovations in Translator, Interpreter and Localizer Education)。征文通知如下:
              MONTEREY FORUM 2011
              Innovations in Translator, Interpreter and Localizer Education
              April 8-9, 2011
              The MONTEREY FORUM, launched in 2007, provides a venue to discuss new trends and issues in translator, interpreter and localizer (TIL) education. Following the success of the conferences held in 2007 and 2009, we are pleased to announce that the third MONTEREY FORUM will take place on April 8 and 9, 2011, at the Monterey Institute of International Studies in California.
              The theme of the MONTEREY FORUM 2011 is Innovations in Translator, Interpreter and Localizer Education. Technological advances and rapid changes in economic, social and political conditions have paved the way for new developments in the practice of translation, interpreting and localization.
              The MONTEREY FORUM 2011 will review innovations found in the current curriculum and syllabus design and implementation in the real or virtual classroom, with a view to matching the evolving expectations of the market. During our discussion the goal will be to learn from innovations implemented by TIL educators around the world in addressing new challenges and requirements.
              Call for papers
              TIL educators are invited to contribute a paper (a 20-minute presentation followed by a 10-minute discussion) on their teaching practices. 
              We are especially interested in approaches to
              • incorporating translation technology into your translation classes
              • teaching revising, editing and MT post-editing skills
              • designing and delivering on-line courses
              • introducing different modalities of consecutive interpreting
              • developing simultaneous interpreting skills into one’s B language
              • bringing authenticity into classroom exercises
              • blending theory and practice in TIL classes
              • designing curriculum in response to the new requirements of the market
              • building effective assessment into the curriculum
              Please submit your abstract (no more than 300 words) with your name, affiliation and contact information to montereyforum2011@miis.edu  by November 15, 2010. Notification of acceptance will be sent by December 15, 2010. Program details will be announced at a later date.
              For more information:
              Graduate School of Translation, Interpretation and Language Education
              Monterey Institute of International Studies
               A Graduate School of Middlebury College
              460 Pierce Street, Monterey, CA 93940,
              來源: 中國翻譯協(xié)會(huì)
              上一篇文章: 2011年國際語言翻譯界重要會(huì)議信息
              下一篇文章: 同聲傳譯:翻譯行業(yè)的最高境界
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              網(wǎng)站建設(shè)互眾動(dòng)力 版權(quán)所有 © 2010 唐山市金沃翻譯服務(wù)有限公司 All rights reserved 冀ICP備10015700號
              地址:唐山市路北區(qū)北新西道69號601室 郵編:063000 聯(lián)系電話:13832812125
              友情鏈接: 唐山網(wǎng)站建設(shè) PVC掛板 唐山保溫材料 唐山做網(wǎng)站 唐山網(wǎng)絡(luò)公司 唐山直埋保溫管 唐山翻譯公司

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